512 How Q Used Sealed Indictments To Create Panic In The Deep State (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by SemperSupra 3 years ago by SemperSupra +513 / -1 93 comments download share 93 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Comms. Poop comms are generally about evidence of something which is going to drop.
Do you have another example of poop comms and information being dropped?
That would be hilarious if true. He's probably just joking though. hehe
Some examples of articles containing poop, defecation, feces, fart and a HOST of other terms as part of a guy's decode/comms project/blog on a Symbolism Communication site on WordPress at:
For example, links to articles containing defecation along with other decodes of his can be found at:
As for his decode of poop/feces/defecation in list/glossary form, check out 7. under the Biology Comms category here:
Well dang.