All of this seems to be as scripted as we see coming from the left. He seems like such a nice kid, but this interview got to a point where I had to turn it off. I am just spitballing, but maybe all of this is a big distraction.
When he said that though I think the context was that he supports the BLM movement and their right to protest, not actually supporting their beliefs but that they have a right to have a protest for what ever reason, but not to riot and cause damages and everything else.
He say's it pretty quick so I do not think he meant it to come across the way people are implying.
All of this seems to be as scripted as we see coming from the left. He seems like such a nice kid, but this interview got to a point where I had to turn it off. I am just spitballing, but maybe all of this is a big distraction.
I agree. This doesn’t pass the smell test. I don’t trust anything Fox is putting out these days.
Very scripted and didn’t feel authentic. Makes me question the whole fucking Kyle story at this point.
Has lin wood responded to the interview? I'm on the fence with him and Kyle tbh... supports BLm... red flag
Here you go:
I see the retards have downvoted you for stating your disagreement with Kyle supporting BLM. Stop thinking for yourself!
When he said that though I think the context was that he supports the BLM movement and their right to protest, not actually supporting their beliefs but that they have a right to have a protest for what ever reason, but not to riot and cause damages and everything else.
He say's it pretty quick so I do not think he meant it to come across the way people are implying.