Maybe the vials have been very deep frozen. IMO the cabal didn't want to start vaxxing until much later, not earlier. they wanted to lock us down for years until we were pliable and until they could say that their vax was safely tested. It would have worked, it would have been mandatory, they'd have control via surveillance.
Alternative hypothesis: What if population growth outstripped their production capability? What if it took them this long to catch up with pop. growth?
That doesn't mean they had adequate production capabilities. It may have taken time to get production up to an efficient level.
Two other factors to consider: when was cryogenic storage of vaccines/mRNA first done successfully, and when were mRNA gene therapies first developed? Assuming any of this holds water, including OP, that could help pinpoint when this might have been developed.
Cryoprotectants, 1946 and 1959, UK
The discovery of cryoprotectants, such as glycerol, in 1946, by Polge and Smith, and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in 1959 by Lovelock and Bishop, for ensuring the survival of cryopreserved cells and tissues, provided the breakthrough for the development of the cryopreservation of spermatazoa, embryos, ovaries, blood and other tissues, which is taken for granted today.
DMSO has some interesting properties, one of which is why its use in humans is banned in the U.S.(although coincidentally, you can get it for horses), namely that anything dissolved in it will be carried by it through the skin. This is great if you're, say, trying to give someone a vaccine or a supplement without injecting them, not so great if you forget to swab their arm thoroughly first; any toxic substances on the skin will be pulled into the body along with the dmso, which is why it's so important that you wash whatever area of the skin you want to apply it to thoroughly before doing so.
Edit: I'm not sure why, but this seemed relevant somehow...
That is very interesting. Thank you very much, I'll remember it. I wonder what the maximum size of the items in solution in DMSO is to get carried through the skin.
Maybe the vials have been very deep frozen. IMO the cabal didn't want to start vaxxing until much later, not earlier. they wanted to lock us down for years until we were pliable and until they could say that their vax was safely tested. It would have worked, it would have been mandatory, they'd have control via surveillance.
Alternative hypothesis: What if population growth outstripped their production capability? What if it took them this long to catch up with pop. growth?
Not sure.
They'd be quite good at predicting population growth IMO. They have data and scientists.
That doesn't mean they had adequate production capabilities. It may have taken time to get production up to an efficient level.
Two other factors to consider: when was cryogenic storage of vaccines/mRNA first done successfully, and when were mRNA gene therapies first developed? Assuming any of this holds water, including OP, that could help pinpoint when this might have been developed.
(emphasis mine)
DMSO has some interesting properties, one of which is why its use in humans is banned in the U.S.(although coincidentally, you can get it for horses), namely that anything dissolved in it will be carried by it through the skin. This is great if you're, say, trying to give someone a vaccine or a supplement without injecting them, not so great if you forget to swab their arm thoroughly first; any toxic substances on the skin will be pulled into the body along with the dmso, which is why it's so important that you wash whatever area of the skin you want to apply it to thoroughly before doing so.
Edit: I'm not sure why, but this seemed relevant somehow...
That is very interesting. Thank you very much, I'll remember it. I wonder what the maximum size of the items in solution in DMSO is to get carried through the skin.