We know one thing for certain.
Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
Why did Epstein's surveillance footage disappear? Comey's daughter was behind it? Was Comey forced to comply with White Hats?
I'm not gonna delve too far into the theory that they body-swapped him with Anthony Bourdain or, even more likely, Anthony Rodham (Hillary's brother, compare his ears to the leaked shot of Epstein's corpse), but let's work under the assumption they DID do a body swap and Epstein ISN'T in Black Hat hands.
Epstein is well past his usefulness. Him being alive is a MAJOR concern for every one of these sick monsters. They have no reason to rescue him and every reason to see him dead.
So, what if Epstein is in witness protection? What if Trump swapped him out?
We all know Maxwell was the brains of the operation. Epstein was the face. Call it an Ahab and Jezebel scenario.
Now, follow me here...
The reason there is absolutely no coverage of the case, no photography, and what audio we get is through a phone line that is so restricted no one even supposed to be able to listen in can, might be because an unexpected witness may appear, and no suspicions around his testimony can be allowed -- everything has to look consistent.
Even a crooked judge wouldn't be able to work around that bombshell.
I think Comey's daughter HAS to be there to corroborate that this witness is in fact the REAL Epstein and not a fake or an actor.
She has the footage of the swap -- absolute proof that Epstein is alive and working to take down this evil industry. She's the hinge authority figure in confirming Epstein didn't kill himself.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying she's a good guy. She doesn't even have to do anything for the prosecution other than prove she knew Epstein went into witness protection. She's just there to give a thumbs up and blow the entire defense and rigged judge out of the water with the allegations from the very man Maxwell's defense will claim was behind it all and she is simply one of several of his many victims.
I'm hopeful that that is what is going on.
Otherwise, the trial we are (not)seeing is all pantomime and the real trial is going on behind the scenes. The Cabal may be behind setting up this mock trial to obfuscate the real one but don't have enough money to put on the whole show.
Either way, I'm keeping the faith that the Maxwell case is going to produce ACTUAL proof of an international child trafficking ring that exclusively serves the global elites.
I think that is a great thought. I have some ideas as well. Like you, I'm not sure where the Comeys fit into this picture.
So, to go along with your hypothesis - do you ever listen to MonkeyWerx? He's a planefag on YT and other platforms. I'm not a big fan. However, yesterday another anon posted his show, which had some very interesting information. Basically, he was showing how Maxwell's prisoner number does not align with the prisoner numbers assigned to where she's being held (I think MDC.) The reason this is interesting is that Monkey Werx has long opined that Maxwell has been held at Gitmo (and he's shown some research that could support that.) The other things he showed were 1. the published court calendar at Gitmo has been cleared (unusual.) 2. There were a number of planes arriving at Gitmo over the weekend - from DC and Jacksonville- and this was unusual plane activity. There was some significance to the type of plane (private, corporate type jets rather than military or commercial.) So his hypothetic conclusion is that Maxwell is really being tried in Gitmo, and what we are seeing in NY is a show.
This makes a little sense to me, because Maxwell's crimes are much, much larger than these four women she trafficked in NY. A military tribunal would be more fitting for someone running a global operation. And this works with your theory that Epstein will be revealed in NY.
It's a stretch, I know. Feeling super flexible today. I'll post a link to the Monkey video, in case you are interested.
here it is @16:25 start point, he gets right into it!
ty, fren! What did you think of all that?