I suspect the entire scene was scripted by hollywood.
First ObL acted like the typical cartoonish muslim terrorist, and used his wife as a human shield,
Then later they corrected the story, and said ObL did NOT use his wife as a human shield
Of course, many of us had suspected that ObL might not ever have existed, and was just a CIA cartoon cutout of a muslim terrorist.
The Bin Laden clan just happened to be long time family friends with the Bush family, supposedly a friendship build on oil, even though GHWB was probably always a CIA agent with a “Texas oil man” cover-story
“Oil man” GHWB called the FBI just before JFK was allegedly shot.
ObL codename Tim Osman
CNN found ObL in a cave, and got him to confess to 9/11 on video
ObL had been reported dead several times, even by Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto
remember when they claimed they buried ObL at sea, in accordance with a sacred muslim tradition that doesn't actually exist?
While I definitely agree that whole situation was extremely sketchy, The thing I can't reconcile is this;
What about the wonderful, patriotic, amazing men who were on the teams that allegedly killed him?
BOTH SEALs AND SOAR / Special aviation elements; so many involved.
Rob O'Neill is anything but shy and quiet, and on many occasions, he has clearly stated "I know who I shot."
So did the SEAL teams kill and grab the body of a double; were they all told / forced to go along with faking bin laden's death, or what?
How do you explain that?
I suspect the entire scene was scripted by hollywood.
First ObL acted like the typical cartoonish muslim terrorist, and used his wife as a human shield,
Then later they corrected the story, and said ObL did NOT use his wife as a human shield
Of course, many of us had suspected that ObL might not ever have existed, and was just a CIA cartoon cutout of a muslim terrorist.
The Bin Laden clan just happened to be long time family friends with the Bush family, supposedly a friendship build on oil, even though GHWB was probably always a CIA agent with a “Texas oil man” cover-story
“Oil man” GHWB called the FBI just before JFK was allegedly shot.
ObL codename Tim Osman
CNN found ObL in a cave, and got him to confess to 9/11 on video
ObL had been reported dead several times, even by Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto
Interesting.... 'Tis a rabbit hole I need to go down, for sure...
100% whole thing was faked. Check out Miles Mathis blog for details. The JFK one would be the place to start