31 Bring In The Bleach *Again!* Psaki Claims Trump Suggested Injecting Bleach After Peter Doocy Asks Question About Res. Biden's vs. Pres. Trump's Wuhan Flu Casualty Numbers! (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 😷 DEM PANIC 💉 posted 3 years ago by PowderRoomPolitics 3 years ago by PowderRoomPolitics +31 / -0 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
CL02 is not bleach. I guess they think we're stupid. You don't inject it, and it works wonderful.
These people love their word games. Bleach isn't even a "thing", it's a chemical process. With their logic, lemons and the Sun are "dangerous bleaches"
The lies the left uses, makes them look very weak to someone who is awake.
Psaki needs to have her hair pulled.
I'll do it!!!!!! :)
Where is the meme with Dr. Evil's shrieking Germanic henchwoman, Frau Farbissina ? Bring out the bleach !!
Thank you, PSaki's use of the word, 'bleach' is both inaccurate and incendiary.
This is what really ticks me off about Peter Doocy...he's so miserably uninformed that he lets her get away with this garbage.