Is all the LGBT crap caused by parasites?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I made a post a while back about the gays, trans, etc. being a result of MK Ultra derivative brainwashing. A few people agreed with me, but a few talked about how it's caused by parasites that affect your neurological functions. That got me curious, so I started researching it. All I could find was a article with a linked blog post talking about it in vague terms.
I'm curious, has anyone else heard of this concept or do any of you have any further proof or studies on it?
I doubt it is what causes it, but it would be interesting to know for certain. I wonder how prevalent parasites are in a first world country such as the US? I'd try to get that info, then I'd try to nail down what percentage of the population is actually gay. Estimates vary wildly. 2 - 10% are bandied around. How do today's figures (whatever they may be) correlate with figures from past history (maybe going back only a couple of hundred years - again, that would be challenging to 'know' though.) And to understand if the incidence of parasites in humans has been fairly static, or if that has fluctuated. Then comparing the percentages of people with parasites compared to the percentage of gays -- well, that would be an interesting start.
Well according to that article and blog, something like 67% of gay men have some form of these parasites that affect their neurological functions.
Perhaps their sexual proclivities is what LEADS to the parasites in the first place? That would make sense. I have no idea, but the concept is interesting and if what that one blog post said is true, and the people who were de-wormed changed their orientation, then yes, more study is necessary. It would be WONDERFUL if gays went straight and were oriented to reality and what's natural. And it's a fascinating theory, so I hope someone does do some work in that area. I'm sure many would be offended at the thought of A) even having parasites and B) that anyone should think they'd want to be straight. Even still, it WOULD be a boon for humanity. I hope you'll keep posting as you dig into this. Updates would be welcome. Good luck!
I don’t know the cause of the gayness, but I will say this- A very high percentage of the gay people I’ve ever known we’re totally crazy. In fact, I can’t say that I recall ever knowing one gay person that was fairly mentally stable.
Could parasites at least be causing the neurological issues, which are in turn making gays mentally unstable?
Parasite causes gay men to have (more) anal sex. The parasite transmit through feces.
Gay men can be gay without these parasites though.
Makes you wonder as deworming children very common until the 60s when it all stopped. Everyone should deworm every six months. Is it a coincidence vthat degeneracy is here now no deworming? You can get parasites from a door handle!
Food safety standards have gotten super restrictive and thus less parasitic. But we should deworm every time we get an oil change imo. Clean both the 'vehicle' we ride life on lol.
The birth pill is responsible for the aggressive butch lesbians apparently. Messes with female hormones
But they don't need it?