President Trump had a huge initiative to get these vaccines out through the various pharma companies. He even still comments in interviews about how quickly he got it done. So if they are really causing heart damage and death, wth is going on? I am just looking for some guidance here. I refused to get vxed but people always comment on how Trump was the one to roll them out. Please help me here.
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Without the Vax we would be on indefinite lockdowns.
Everyone who has taken the vax has done so voluntarily (except rare cases)
Now what I want to understand is why he won't speak up about the heart problems and clotting
He had to get it out quickly, else they would have locked us down for 5 years, they know that there are problems. fixes are in the works. Dr Zelenko's Z-packs are one. he can't give "THEM" any ammunition. there are MANY people speaking up about the clots etc.... they can spread the message. the most common shot is NOT approved, you can fight them on this and win, its only Emergency Authorized.
This is a spiritual war, so we all have to make our own choice. President Trump was stirring the pot to get people talking/thinking. we were told there would be disinfo that would require discernment, this is one of those times.
You know, I was thinking before the election…it’ll be great that Trump wins again…but what is going to happen AFTER Trump’s second term…. There are so many things still wrong…who is going to take his place? We have just delayed the inevitable…
Well I guess I am getting my answer….
What happens when people short circuit on truth overload? How do they react? How many people would die via vaxx complications vs truth and violence?
Im just really starting to consider this now
Read through the many comments that have been made on this topic. I don't know exactly what term to suggest you search with, but there are multiple theories and ways to understand this choice POTUS has made.
You have to look at the context at the time.
First he tried to flood America with hydroxychloriquine, and was blocked by the sleazy pharmaceutical industries cronies.
I believe at that point he realized how much power, and what a fatal danger this corrupt industry poses.They needed to be defeated at all cost, so he then gave them enough rope to hang themselves forever. While also making sure people had a chance to protect themselves.
Who do you think might have been behind the massive flood of information about the vaccine being dangerous that hit the net immediately after the first vaccines rolled out?
Now he has to pretend to be just another person who has been lied to by big pharma. He cannot be part of the backlash against them, because any hint that he knew what they would do would take the heat off the criminals that need to go.
Yes people died, but that would have happened anyway, in fact you could say he saved billions if he successfully exposes big pharma through this move.
Think of it like ripping off the bandaid. Some people die now, and countless lives are saved every day that goes by after these criminal murderers are exposed and dethroned.
Ah, this question comes up every day. Example:
Why does President Trump Support Vaccines?
I keep seeing stories how "6% of the vaccine lots are causing 100% of the deaths" (etc., dunno if corroborated)- what is in these small groups of "vaccines" and who decides whom gets them?
The vax thwarted the plan to have 5-ish years of lockdowns and contact tracing which would have led to mandatory apps that trace your every move. Full blown totalitarianism. He bought us time and a way out. I assume he doesn't discourage the vax at this point because too many people still believe in the COVID monster. We know its BS, but most intelligent and skeptical people I know are still doing boosters. Gotta get the number of doubters up to a critical, irreversible mass.
go play with yourself somewhere else.
Trump was probably in on it too if you haven’t noticed. Epstein was killed under whose DOJ?
I want to extrapolate, because I've asked a few times and don't get many answers.
The common response is, "If Trump didn't release the vaccine, we would have been in lockdowns forever."
If NCSWIC, then no, we would NOT be in lockdowns forever. Because Trump is supposed to be on his way back soon, right? Isn't the Deep State supposed to be just about finished? Isn't the Plan supposed to result in the defeat of the Cabal, and nothing can stop what is coming?
The only way that we could be on lockdowns forever is if the Deep State remains in control. Forever.
Which means that Trump's plan to release the vaccine to counter these forever lockdowns was done apparently with the impression that the Deep State was not going to be defeated any time soon.
Because otherwise, the lockdowns would have ended when Trump took control of the country back and hung the Cabal. They can't enforce lockdowns if they're defeated, and the Plan is supposed to be defeating the Cabal.
So the vaccine wouldn't have been necessary, because Trump would have sent the Deep State to Gitmo anyway. Their plan to have lockdowns forever is utterly meaningless if Trump is guaranteed to return to power. The vaccine would also therefore be meaningless.
So if the vaccine is actually a poison, and Trump released it to stop a plan that he was going to stop anyway when he returned to power, then this vaccine either isn't causing the problems people think, or Trump himself never had faith he would return to power, and therefore released a dangerous vaccine to counter the Deep State's plans that he personally wouldn't be able to stop once he left office.
What part of the logic of the plan am I missing?
You've done an excellent job of outlining the ways in which the favored rationale doesn't make sense, and my experience has been that when a thing doesn't make sense, it isn't true. However, to your question of missing any logic, it may be there are things we don't know/can't see that would pull it all together into a sensible framework. I'm not holding my breath on that, though.
Not really, no.
Let’s make this practical.
Trump is sitting in the White House. He is aware and a part of the Plan. He knows what the steps are and that he is inevitably going to win. He then has to make a choice on Covid.
He ignores it, and the Plan goes forward. He “leaves office” as planned. The Deep State imposes forever lockdowns. Trump comes back and hangs all the bad guys according to the Plan. He lifts lockdowns. Everyone is happy.
He releases a poison vaccine on a civilian population while telling them it’s a “lifesaver” and that he is proud of it. Tens of millions of innocent people inject themselves and their children with it. People will inevitably die or will be crippled permanently. He then “leaves office” as Planned. The Deep State has no justification for lockdowns. Trump comes back and hangs all the Bad Guys according to the Plan. Everyone is sad and miserable because millions of people died and were crippled via a chemical weapon to avoid a lockdown that was already doomed according to the Plan anyway.
So… in very simple terms, for the slow people like me, why is option B considered better than option A, when the only difference is the use of chemical weapons against unsuspecting civilians by Donald Trump? Because the outcome is exactly the same, outside of all the death from the vaccine?
The only justification I could see is if the use of the poison vaccine is supposed to be part of the Plan to kill off Trump’s enemies, but using a chemical weapon against civilians and children based on alignment with your values doesn’t really seem like a White Hat plan and not something that Patriots would be supporting.
So you’re suggesting that the vaccine was a poison deployed against the mindless sheep by the Cabal, which leaves only free-thinking Patriots as slave labor for the elite, correct?
And I’m guessing the “worthless feeder” comment implies that everyone who isn’t like you is so absolutely worthless that they’re not even worth keeping as slave labor, right? That only you would make viable slaves after the Great Reset?
So that would make the Cabal’s plan to kill off almost the entire world in which they are powerful and have an obedient, mindless workforce, and trade it for a postapocalyptic world in which their power is significantly reduced, and the only people they left alive were strong, warrior-types who were strong enough to resist taking the vaccine.
And then, after they have outnumbered themselves, removed their entire base of human power, and gathered a bunch of Badasses onto the opposite side of the battlefield from them, they then try to enslave you?
That’s their plan?
This is the same Cabal that has gripped every facet of the world in power since forever? That has plans and power structures so complex that most people don’t think they exist? That required a strategic genius, or maybe even future-seeing AI, to be smart enough to defeat them?
That Cabal’s plan is to kill their own army and supply lines, isolate the strongest and most Patriotic members of society into an opposing army, and then try to rebuild society with them?
That… doesn’t sound right to me. There’s got to be a part of this story that involves literally every member of the Cabal simultaneously suffering severe brain damage to think that killing everyone except the strongest rebels is somehow going to result in a better world for them.
I can’t accept a scenario that requires the enemy to be both extremely, impossibly strategic but also so fucking brain dead that their plan couldn’t even survive a cursory Looney Toons logic review by a random Redditor.
I see. So instead of shooting us in the streets, you are suggesting Donald Trump chose instead to use a chemical weapon hidden (perhaps by forcing the Black Hats to use theirs) in a vaccine against a pandemic he knew was fake, and then put his endorsement behind it.
And instead of shooting us in the streets, he’s more comfortable with these chemical weapons being injected into innocent people (including Patriots) and their children. The children that I thought Q was supposed to be protecting.
Am I misunderstanding some moral component to this Plan? Because I thought the White Hats were the ones opposing the depopulation agenda of the Cabal. I thought they were supposed to be saving the world from stuff like this.
You just said a minute ago that Trump forced the Cabal to reply their poison vaccine six years early.
If he forced them to deploy it early, then he forced them to deploy it. That means Donald Trump was responsible for it being deployed.
The only way that it can be forced on people by governors and businesses is if it exists. And it exists here because, according to you, Trump forced the Cabal to deploy it early.
And then set a sting for them? Using an apocalypse?
That still doesn’t feel like a good guy plan to me. That seems like the type of thing, in my deluded movie world, that you’d send in a Bruce Willis character to stop with two handguns and manly baldness.
Also, why do you think I got a saline solution, and what was the point of giving me saline? As a worthless feeder, I thought I was the target for depopulation in your theory. It can’t be a control group, because control variables are only useful if you collect data from them, and they never reached back out to me after my vaccine, which means no data, which means I’m not a control.