and the sheep arent waking up! Infact, they're doubling, tripling down.
Here in Australia a lot of people have now lost their jobs, likely to be homeless.. Im seeing stories of 30+ years teachers, drs, nurses, dentists, tradies... basically people from all walks of life being sacked over a ILLEGAL mandate for a non approved experimental drug and yet our constitution does nothing to protect us.
We are here because we trust the plan & i'm going to be honest, the plan is the only thing that is going to save us. Everyone says "trump wont save you its up to you"
Well we've been protesting for months, every day, every weekend and the government + media call us right wing neo nazi terrorists & the public go along with it.
I guess im just upset because the world around me is falling apart and its out of my control
try prayer, even if you don't believe in it.
start with a simple prayer like
Dear God, please grant me great discernment skills. Thank you. Amen
what you are praying for here is discernment, which means being able to tell truth from lies, fact from fiction, to be able to see the subtle.
once you have better discernment, then everything you see in the future will look different.
Prayer is the only way.
Seriously - we can’t win this sort of thing without calling in divinity. Not fake feel good pick me up - real Armor of God.
Q mentioned it repeatedly for a reason.
The unseen?
Right now the following countries are seeing legit Great Revivals piggybacking on the Great Awakening:
Regimes are panicking because they don’t understand how to stop this - Especially the Chinese Communist Party who is now Panicking that ( Their best guess ) the Falun Gong - it’s not. What’s happening is Literal Miracles.
People the world around are seeing Jesus Christ come to them in their dreams with a message tailored to each.
It’s like Saul was on the way to Tarsus across some of the most oppressed places in the world.
It’s going to be biblical
What if the United States was the most Spiritually Dead zone on the planet?
Sorry to say it but if prayer is the only way we are fucked. I highly doubt a God would intervene in the daily affairs of humans. Being the creator of the entire universe and all.
don’t fall for nasa propaganda. humans are the most important things in the universe
Nasa wasn't founded until 1958, humans have studied the universe and space for much longer than that. It's a little disingenuous to call the existence of galaxies and solar systems 'nasa propaganda'.
This is something I've never understood. Do we have free will or does God grant prayers and enact His will upon the world? In most cases, they're mutually exclusive. The only way for many prayers to be granted or for God to do anything to change or control the world around us would be to ignore our free will entirely.
We have free will. Prayer does not control God or other people. When we use our free will to pray, it authorizes God to work on our behalf. Think of a homeowner with a leaking roof. The contractor knows the roof leaks and can fix it, and wants to fix it, but only works on the property after getting written authorization from the owner. In the same way, when we pray, we give God authorizaton to work in our lives and circumstances (our property). God gave each of us a life and created us with free will. He wants us to choose good over evil (He defines what is good). He wants us to choose love. He is love. He won't violate our will, even if we ultimately choose to reject Him (which breaks His heart). To be able to love, one must have the free choice NOT to love. That's why there were two trees in the garden, to make love possible. God respects our choices, including the choice to either love or reject Him, a choice that has eternal consequences.
Good point. I also struggle to see how human prayer would relate to an all-knowing God. If God knows past, present and future then any prayer would be useless because of our limited perspective.
Honestly I came to Q because of Trump and US intelligence working against the cabal. I browse GAW less and less nowadays due to discourse becoming more and more religious in nature. It's hard for me identify.
Well that makes a lot of sense. :-)
Is not your free will in the act of asking for help?
Faith has a power most do not understand
And yet he does. A good place to start to gain understanding is by actually reading the word of God and sincerely searching for truth. Most people have callused hearts and spiritual scales over their eyes that blind them from the truth. The Holy Spirit used scribes to document Gods interaction with men to be preserved and written down for this exact purpose, to let people know that the creator of the entire universe and “all”, actually wants a personal relationship with you and delights in you asking for his help, and yes he answers prayer and intervenes in daily life. Signs and wonders will follow those who believe is not a metaphor.