So you really think this hypothetical plan would turn out well? He's basically trying to wake up the left and independents right? I've seen numbers like 80% of the country needs to be awakened...thatd mean many liberals...You actually think that most of them would wake up in the way that you hope for? A lot of them are either gonna be in denial to whatever end and a lot of them are going to never forgive Trump for a plan which requires many innocent people to die over the course of what looks like is supposed to be several years long.
lol I don't think that word means what you think it means. A question of yours from said wall of text that you're trying oH sO hArD tO bE SiNcErE aBoUt :
You actually think that most of them would wake up in the way that you hope for?
Which comment of mine in the thread brought you to that conclusion? How could you assume that from me mocking general stupidity? FOH
That's right! People are free to share their opinions, no matter how retarded they may be!
So you really think this hypothetical plan would turn out well? He's basically trying to wake up the left and independents right? I've seen numbers like 80% of the country needs to be awakened...thatd mean many liberals...You actually think that most of them would wake up in the way that you hope for? A lot of them are either gonna be in denial to whatever end and a lot of them are going to never forgive Trump for a plan which requires many innocent people to die over the course of what looks like is supposed to be several years long.
Are you trying to create opinions of my own for me to answer? lol What even is this block of text, bud?
No, I'm clearly asking what your opinion IS. And then voicing my opinion. And yes, maybe I assume a little based on your previous reply. Sue me.
lol I don't think that word means what you think it means. A question of yours from said wall of text that you're trying oH sO hArD tO bE SiNcErE aBoUt :
Which comment of mine in the thread brought you to that conclusion? How could you assume that from me mocking general stupidity? FOH