Wow, so Maxwell is working for the white hats. This delta is too much....that's why they have her most likely at Gitmo, and won't let her out on bail (she'll be murdered).
According to her inmate number, who knows. Monkey Werx discusses the inmate codes in this video, and hers doesn't match the codes for Manhattan/Brooklyn. Could she be there? Possibly, but the inmate codes are off. I assume she's somewhere else where the evil doers she associates with can't perform their wet works on her. Around the 16:30 mark is where Monkey Werx covers the flight to GITMO on the same day as her arrest, and goes into the court filings, her inmate number, uptick in GITMO flights.
Wow, so Maxwell is working for the white hats. This delta is too much....that's why they have her most likely at Gitmo, and won't let her out on bail (she'll be murdered).
That's why Trump wished her luck
She isn't at Gitmo, the trial is taking place in New York, she is being held in Brooklyn.
According to her inmate number, who knows. Monkey Werx discusses the inmate codes in this video, and hers doesn't match the codes for Manhattan/Brooklyn. Could she be there? Possibly, but the inmate codes are off. I assume she's somewhere else where the evil doers she associates with can't perform their wet works on her. Around the 16:30 mark is where Monkey Werx covers the flight to GITMO on the same day as her arrest, and goes into the court filings, her inmate number, uptick in GITMO flights.
She is appearing daily, in public, in court. She isn’t in Gitmo.
Plug this number in 02879-509