oh dont be ridiculous. You go to Hell even if you're a good person just because you don't bang on about Jesus every night? If that's the criteria I dont want to be in he Kingdom thing.
This is the part I struggle with Christianity the most. What about the African or Asian individual that never once came into contact with Christianity in their lives, but was still a good person? Are they damned?
It’s something I struggle with often, and I’m a Christian.
Dear Who Knows: in my early days with church after i first believed Christ as savior, i asked the same kinds of questions you are asking. no one ever had a good answer for me. then one day i came across Romans 9. Read the whole chapter and repeat until it sinks in. The word of God contains the truth about the Word of God, who is Christ. After you understand Romans 9, you will be able to answer the questions you pose about people who never hear about Christ. BTW, the first chapter of Romans tells us that there is actually no one who is "good," because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." In any case, rest assured there are Christian missionaries in Asia and Africa. I have met many Asian Christians and African Christians. Revelation tells us that Heaven will contain a great multitude of saints from all the people groups of Earth. Read it and believe what it says, because it is true. "Thy word is truth."
Thank you, I’m an early Christian as well and just read the verse. If I understood correctly, it’s essentially saying God will choose to have mercy on some? Scripture can be so hard to decipher, I always struggle with it.
Yes. The scripture indicates God is sovereignly in control over everything. So everyone God desires to save shall be saved. The Good Shepherd seeks out all of his lost sheep. Not one of them shall finally be lost eternally. That is the very Good News. God is sovereignly in control of these crazy times in which we are living, and God always wins, so this is the reason we can know we will get through to whatever the resolution may be. The DS cabal shall be defeated, the Lord will not abandon his people. Another gem: Romans 8:35-39 KJV. Keep reading, it will fortify you, and your understanding will grow over time. Blessings.
I think Christ means the Christ consciousness. You don't need to believe every word in the bible to understand the difference between good and evil, most people have a sense of morality whether it is tied to higher power or not. A lot of the fire and brimstone type christians really miss this point, like its all about hating the correct people and following the correct rules that ensures your ticket to paradise and eternal life. I think otherwise and that will upset some christians, but hey if that's how you wanna live life be my guest. This country's constitution affords us that right. We don't have to agree, I think it's more important to focus on ending the corruption from the government and cabal than fighting over how hard one believes in Jesus.
I think it's more important to focus on ending the corruption from the government and cabal than fighting over how hard one believes in Jesus>
With all due respect - really?
I wouldn't advocate for a measuring stick of one's faith against the person next to you - that's garbage - but according to the Bible, it's definitely more important to focus on one's faith and relationship with Jesus then ending government corruption.
Don't get me wrong - I spend a couple of hours a day reading these boards for a reason, lol... It's just that at the end of the day - there's definitely a priority. Corruption is always going to be here in some form - it's the result of Adam and Eve's sin entering the world.
Your salvation through believing in and accepting what Jesus Christ of the Bible did for us is what determines your eternity.
To me - it's pretty clear what's more important to focus on, LOL! ;)
No ill will meant - maybe I misunderstood your intent - just trying to make sure the Truth about what is of the utmost importance is clear for those lurking. It's the only thing that's gotten me through these last two years, that's for sure!
I just don’t buy everyone else’s hard interpretation of spirituality. I don’t think one needs to be a devout Christian to experience a good afterlife. I have a brother who became a born again Christian and it absolutely ruined his life. He now thinks his belief in Jesus gives him the ability to kidnap his own children and betray members of his family because he thinks they’re in league with Satan. Things aren’t so black and white.
Look up lectures by Manly P. Hall and Stephan Hoeller for a more sophisticated understanding of Christianity's roots and how they are shared across the entire world much more than you'd suspect.
Remember, we worship god not man or his structures and or ideals, God in all his unknowns. He is the one true god. My soul cries out why, why has this come to us. Faith, gods plan is for us. The struggle is for us. As is his promise for us. Deep breath, sorry for preaching. We worship God, not man...
It's a bullshit lie to turn people away from god. If you never know christ but live a good life you go to purgatory where your soul can be healed and you can then make your way to the kingdom.
It’s not an easy thing, to be a good person. To do things for Christ, etc. So many people want to create their version of what God wants and accepts to fit their lives, so they can continue sinning, convinced they’re not harming anyone, when they’re in fact harming themselves.
It’s not that God doesn’t want to be with us when we die when we are sinners. It’s that once we die, and we feel his Glorious love and magnificence, we also experience every sin we’ve ever committed, and we feel not worthy to be with him. We choose it, not Him. Those who have terrible sins, feel so much shame and feel ugly in comparison can’t bear to be with him, so they cast themselves to hell. Those who were good but didn’t quite live the life God commanded us, still feel shame and cast themselves into purgatory. And the lucky few of us who strived every day to be with Him and constantly repented and asked for forgiveness and luckily died in a state of grace will be instantly whisked into heaven and will be with him.
oh dont be ridiculous. You go to Hell even if you're a good person just because you don't bang on about Jesus every night? If that's the criteria I dont want to be in he Kingdom thing.
This is the part I struggle with Christianity the most. What about the African or Asian individual that never once came into contact with Christianity in their lives, but was still a good person? Are they damned?
It’s something I struggle with often, and I’m a Christian.
Dear Who Knows: in my early days with church after i first believed Christ as savior, i asked the same kinds of questions you are asking. no one ever had a good answer for me. then one day i came across Romans 9. Read the whole chapter and repeat until it sinks in. The word of God contains the truth about the Word of God, who is Christ. After you understand Romans 9, you will be able to answer the questions you pose about people who never hear about Christ. BTW, the first chapter of Romans tells us that there is actually no one who is "good," because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." In any case, rest assured there are Christian missionaries in Asia and Africa. I have met many Asian Christians and African Christians. Revelation tells us that Heaven will contain a great multitude of saints from all the people groups of Earth. Read it and believe what it says, because it is true. "Thy word is truth."
Thank you, I’m an early Christian as well and just read the verse. If I understood correctly, it’s essentially saying God will choose to have mercy on some? Scripture can be so hard to decipher, I always struggle with it.
Yes. The scripture indicates God is sovereignly in control over everything. So everyone God desires to save shall be saved. The Good Shepherd seeks out all of his lost sheep. Not one of them shall finally be lost eternally. That is the very Good News. God is sovereignly in control of these crazy times in which we are living, and God always wins, so this is the reason we can know we will get through to whatever the resolution may be. The DS cabal shall be defeated, the Lord will not abandon his people. Another gem: Romans 8:35-39 KJV. Keep reading, it will fortify you, and your understanding will grow over time. Blessings.
I think Christ means the Christ consciousness. You don't need to believe every word in the bible to understand the difference between good and evil, most people have a sense of morality whether it is tied to higher power or not. A lot of the fire and brimstone type christians really miss this point, like its all about hating the correct people and following the correct rules that ensures your ticket to paradise and eternal life. I think otherwise and that will upset some christians, but hey if that's how you wanna live life be my guest. This country's constitution affords us that right. We don't have to agree, I think it's more important to focus on ending the corruption from the government and cabal than fighting over how hard one believes in Jesus.
With all due respect - really?
I wouldn't advocate for a measuring stick of one's faith against the person next to you - that's garbage - but according to the Bible, it's definitely more important to focus on one's faith and relationship with Jesus then ending government corruption.
Don't get me wrong - I spend a couple of hours a day reading these boards for a reason, lol... It's just that at the end of the day - there's definitely a priority. Corruption is always going to be here in some form - it's the result of Adam and Eve's sin entering the world.
Your salvation through believing in and accepting what Jesus Christ of the Bible did for us is what determines your eternity.
To me - it's pretty clear what's more important to focus on, LOL! ;)
No ill will meant - maybe I misunderstood your intent - just trying to make sure the Truth about what is of the utmost importance is clear for those lurking. It's the only thing that's gotten me through these last two years, that's for sure!
I just don’t buy everyone else’s hard interpretation of spirituality. I don’t think one needs to be a devout Christian to experience a good afterlife. I have a brother who became a born again Christian and it absolutely ruined his life. He now thinks his belief in Jesus gives him the ability to kidnap his own children and betray members of his family because he thinks they’re in league with Satan. Things aren’t so black and white.
Preach it!
Look up lectures by Manly P. Hall and Stephan Hoeller for a more sophisticated understanding of Christianity's roots and how they are shared across the entire world much more than you'd suspect.
Remember, we worship god not man or his structures and or ideals, God in all his unknowns. He is the one true god. My soul cries out why, why has this come to us. Faith, gods plan is for us. The struggle is for us. As is his promise for us. Deep breath, sorry for preaching. We worship God, not man...
It's a bullshit lie to turn people away from god. If you never know christ but live a good life you go to purgatory where your soul can be healed and you can then make your way to the kingdom.
It’s not an easy thing, to be a good person. To do things for Christ, etc. So many people want to create their version of what God wants and accepts to fit their lives, so they can continue sinning, convinced they’re not harming anyone, when they’re in fact harming themselves.
It’s not that God doesn’t want to be with us when we die when we are sinners. It’s that once we die, and we feel his Glorious love and magnificence, we also experience every sin we’ve ever committed, and we feel not worthy to be with him. We choose it, not Him. Those who have terrible sins, feel so much shame and feel ugly in comparison can’t bear to be with him, so they cast themselves to hell. Those who were good but didn’t quite live the life God commanded us, still feel shame and cast themselves into purgatory. And the lucky few of us who strived every day to be with Him and constantly repented and asked for forgiveness and luckily died in a state of grace will be instantly whisked into heaven and will be with him.