So browsing around, there have been a lot of military mysteries. Yes, training accidents happen, but we know some of these troops had to be compromised.
Edited: Apparently this guy is one of the good ones.
I’m glad he is one of the good ones and I’m sorry he died. I edited my comment.
But remember McCain came out of the Naval Academy. I also have a story where my daughter ran into some senior midshipmen at Daytona beach a couple of years ago after they had the cocaine issue that had supposedly been cleaned up. These guys were talking right in front of her about how they were going to celebrate with cocaine after graduation. She was disgusted and I was furious.
So it is not wrong for us here to question what is happening in our military. Yes, there are plenty of Patriots and courageous men and women serving. But there are also those who are not perfect.
This could be a cover for his death doing the operations Q has referred to. And if I could judge a man by just looking at him (I can't) I'd say this guy is an honest patriot.
I like this theory. As prior service myself, I like to think all fellow servicemen and women are patriots. Unfortunately I know they aren’t. I just thought his death was odd timing with everything else going on.
Tiger Woods hung out with the Seals in CA. There was weird shit going on with him training with them? Before he got the golf club in his mouth. And the Seal that says he killed Bin Laden is not quiet and humble like most. There is so much unexplained in my eyes...
A video said seal team 6 members have to kill someone as part of initiation to prove they can do it and get away with it. It can be anyone at hotel, etc. She seemed to imply seal wives were under threat of death for revealing secrets. In my opinion the seals are run like a mob family. You can never squeal or get out. Squealers die. Maybe the ultimate initiation kill is to catch a former seal unaware. Ties up loose ends.
That vid is bullshit. I used to work with SeALs as a member of EOD Unit 2. Ops, training, etc. Worked with members, off and on, from all the various Teams, for years. As long as I've known them and as long as I worked with them, I NEVER heard of this. I am close, personal friends with current Team members, as well. I can also tell you Richard Marcinko, founder of SeAL Team 6, would never condone any of this behavior. He's a dick, loved to blow shit up, and was a wild man in and out of uniform, (hence his "unflattering" nickname among Naval Special Warfare as "Demo Dick") was caught up in some slightly "corrupt" govt charge account issues that led to his firing as Team 6 C.O. and eventually led to his "dismissal" from the Navy (2 L.O.Rs that effectively killed his career and forced his retirement), but he didn't pick indescriminate killers. NONE of the Teams do. Even ADM McRaven, as glowie asshat as he is, didn't pick indescriminate killers when he was Team 6 C.O. He couldn't. Goes against Naval Rules/Regs, NSWC Rules/Regs, DOD Rules/Regs, etc. There's psych profiles done on all prospective Team members, and all other NSWC Commands, in general, and the "crazies" are weeded out thru this process. Fairly early in the selection process, too. Usually by end of Week 5. As a general rule of thumb, psychotic individuals usually aren't masochistic, too. They enjoy inflicting pain on others, but not themselves. NSWC Sailors are usually masochistic to varrying levels and degrees. It's what helps us ignore physical pain and mental/emotional stressors and abuse, to the point of actually loving and embracing that pain and stress (Embrace The Suck, Sailor) that allows us to complete tasks that others can't accomplish. But psychopathy isn't among the tools in our skill sets. Psychos aren't empathic. You need high levels of empathy to do the things we do, as well.
I'm curious to see the vid you mentioned. Do u have a link?
I was friends with marcinckos first XO. Demo dick fucked up and messed with money. He was guilty but it wasn't for personal gain it was to end run a shitty admiral who marcinko embarrassed. Bad thi g was that marcinko let some of his guys fall for it.
No. I need to find that quote. The video talked about entire military. Not just seal team. seal team was just a dotted mention here and there. The point of video was that guys that got the highest promotion at the time were homosexuals and they formed a club. Later they went into every part of society even as judges and that's why the deep state is so entrenched because first allegiance wasn't to God, country family.
Hope not. Training is as dangerous as the real thing. Fast rope deaths and injuries are common.
So browsing around, there have been a lot of military mysteries. Yes, training accidents happen, but we know some of these troops had to be compromised.
Edited: Apparently this guy is one of the good ones.
Remembered this when searching...
Edited. Fixed this because the poster stepped up. Thanks for correcting adjusting.
I’m glad he is one of the good ones and I’m sorry he died. I edited my comment.
But remember McCain came out of the Naval Academy. I also have a story where my daughter ran into some senior midshipmen at Daytona beach a couple of years ago after they had the cocaine issue that had supposedly been cleaned up. These guys were talking right in front of her about how they were going to celebrate with cocaine after graduation. She was disgusted and I was furious.
So it is not wrong for us here to question what is happening in our military. Yes, there are plenty of Patriots and courageous men and women serving. But there are also those who are not perfect.
Thank you sir.
RIP, patriot, and thank you for the ultimate sacrifice. We will never forget! WWG1WGA
I hope he was a patriot but I wonder if there is more to the story...
This could be a cover for his death doing the operations Q has referred to. And if I could judge a man by just looking at him (I can't) I'd say this guy is an honest patriot.
I like this theory. As prior service myself, I like to think all fellow servicemen and women are patriots. Unfortunately I know they aren’t. I just thought his death was odd timing with everything else going on.
Tiger Woods hung out with the Seals in CA. There was weird shit going on with him training with them? Before he got the golf club in his mouth. And the Seal that says he killed Bin Laden is not quiet and humble like most. There is so much unexplained in my eyes...
I’d love to have a convo w O’Neill.
When thensealsnwent from 2500 to 10500 members it caused difficulty in oversight. Seals historically have had their problems.
Wonder in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up first. Any sauce for your suspicions?
No, but read my comment that I just added above...
Maybe he got the jab.
Or maybe it was a fast-rope accident.
I know there was another accidental death of an elite forces that I’m not finding. Maybe he wasn’t a SEAL?
But I want to know the back story of this guy?!
Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmate. We have The Watch.
Is Team 8 25% better than Team 6?
A video said seal team 6 members have to kill someone as part of initiation to prove they can do it and get away with it. It can be anyone at hotel, etc. She seemed to imply seal wives were under threat of death for revealing secrets. In my opinion the seals are run like a mob family. You can never squeal or get out. Squealers die. Maybe the ultimate initiation kill is to catch a former seal unaware. Ties up loose ends.
Yikes. A dear friends son is a SEAL. I hope this isn't true
It's not.
That vid is bullshit. I used to work with SeALs as a member of EOD Unit 2. Ops, training, etc. Worked with members, off and on, from all the various Teams, for years. As long as I've known them and as long as I worked with them, I NEVER heard of this. I am close, personal friends with current Team members, as well. I can also tell you Richard Marcinko, founder of SeAL Team 6, would never condone any of this behavior. He's a dick, loved to blow shit up, and was a wild man in and out of uniform, (hence his "unflattering" nickname among Naval Special Warfare as "Demo Dick") was caught up in some slightly "corrupt" govt charge account issues that led to his firing as Team 6 C.O. and eventually led to his "dismissal" from the Navy (2 L.O.Rs that effectively killed his career and forced his retirement), but he didn't pick indescriminate killers. NONE of the Teams do. Even ADM McRaven, as glowie asshat as he is, didn't pick indescriminate killers when he was Team 6 C.O. He couldn't. Goes against Naval Rules/Regs, NSWC Rules/Regs, DOD Rules/Regs, etc. There's psych profiles done on all prospective Team members, and all other NSWC Commands, in general, and the "crazies" are weeded out thru this process. Fairly early in the selection process, too. Usually by end of Week 5. As a general rule of thumb, psychotic individuals usually aren't masochistic, too. They enjoy inflicting pain on others, but not themselves. NSWC Sailors are usually masochistic to varrying levels and degrees. It's what helps us ignore physical pain and mental/emotional stressors and abuse, to the point of actually loving and embracing that pain and stress (Embrace The Suck, Sailor) that allows us to complete tasks that others can't accomplish. But psychopathy isn't among the tools in our skill sets. Psychos aren't empathic. You need high levels of empathy to do the things we do, as well.
I'm curious to see the vid you mentioned. Do u have a link?
I was friends with marcinckos first XO. Demo dick fucked up and messed with money. He was guilty but it wasn't for personal gain it was to end run a shitty admiral who marcinko embarrassed. Bad thi g was that marcinko let some of his guys fall for it.
Nice propaganda from China you repeat v
No. I need to find that quote. The video talked about entire military. Not just seal team. seal team was just a dotted mention here and there. The point of video was that guys that got the highest promotion at the time were homosexuals and they formed a club. Later they went into every part of society even as judges and that's why the deep state is so entrenched because first allegiance wasn't to God, country family.
Do you care to verify or source any of the shit you just said?
Kay griggs 1998 interview and testimony with red pill documentaries. Just posted yesterday on gab with donald trumpett
One fucking person. Better tonstfu than repeat stupidity. Over 20 users ago...
You can't be serious. Where this nation is today is a result of what has been culminating for 50 years.