posted ago by KimJung-Un ago by KimJung-Un +67 / -1

The Cacucks are starting to lose their shit again. Got a call from BIL (Ontario), they are back to freaking out the public and the public is responding as Canadians usually do, as expected.

As we head toward fighting back, the Cacucks are diving back into communism land.

It is interesting to note- CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NZ are the three countries diving head first into oppression and the UK is beginning to pull the exact same shit.

The pedo royals are probably trying to tighten control over their property and slaves. And I must admit, the slaves are complying even beyond what I thought they would lol

  • For you patriot, unjabbed Canucks, I think it's time to leave. I'm not an American with little understanding of your people. My wife is Canadian and I see how her family of "conservatives" are. You gotta get outta there. I see a lot of people on twitter leaving for Texas or Mexico so that is good.