43 Hold the home button down on your phone and ask it to sing you a song. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by 94f450d 3 years ago by 94f450d +44 / -1 24 comments download share 24 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Can confirm this too, they are desperate
That's scary. Whattt
what is a Home button?
I have android. It's my middle button. Has a little circle with round dot inside. Hold it down and do what op says... Plays vaccine song.
Here's a better song I like to sing: 🎶 you can stick your vaccine mandate up your arse, you can stick your vaccine mandate up your arse, Yes you can,
you can stick your vaccine mandate, Your stinking vaccine mandate, you can stick your vaccine mandate up your arse,🎶
**to the tune of "She'll be coming round the mountain"
I posted that on FB and got rave reviews. :)
It's stuck in my head and I've almost got the accent happening 👍👍
OMG! I just did it. And it brought up/ started playing vaccine song! Wtaf! I screenshot it. But can't post that!
Doesn't work on mine - then again, I have many functions and apps disabled or uninstalled on my phone - especially voice and location. It slows down the function of my phone when texting, but I don't really care.
Very scary
Sorry. Have my own thing to say about this, and it can be sung to Pat Benatar's Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Well, You're so mean, rough Fauci, with a long history
torturing your subjects, but you won't get me
before we put another suit with our slam-dunk case
You'd better make sure that you have a safe space
Alright we'll see how you do it
Mandates won't work, courts overrule it
Just try and hit me with your clot shot
Don't even hit me with your clot shot
You try and hit me with that clotshot
I'll fire away
TIL that holding your home button adds extra functionality to your Android phone...
Brainwashing mode active on my Android.
My galaxy said "I'm more of a rapper than a singer" 🤣
I have a better song this is Mongolian metal the Hi band.
Just discovered them last week. Epic tunes
Yep have you checked out Wolf Totem with Jacoby Shaddix from Papa Roach?
Yeah, Great stuff
Tried it in Canada, works here to. Did you see the little gif/cartoon at the bottom? Is that Pepe in the middle?
Mine did it too but here is someone else doing it https://mobile.twitter.com/yaboi9892/status/1469136247541088259
Update: I tried again and it gave me this equally cringe worthy copypasta emoji meme of a "song".