posted ago by Puncake150 ago by Puncake150 +48 / -0

u/WinsAnon hasn't posted in a bit (likely busy). I've decided to make this thread a 'community wins' thread since it's a quite a bit late where I live, but I'll post another regular WoTD thread tomorrow if Wins doesn't. Guess while I'm at it, I'll post a few quick wins.

  1. 'Senate Votes 52-48 to Repeal Biden’s Vaccine Mandate' (Biden says he will veto, but still)


  1. More Wisconsin election fraud


  1. China's economy is collapsing


  1. The Bee is at it again!


See you tomorrow frens, can't wait to see your wins! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ