511 π¨π¨π¨π¨ASSANGE TO BE EXTRADITED TO USA π¨π¨π¨π¨ (www.rt.com) N C S W I C posted 3 years ago by special1ntere5t 3 years ago by special1ntere5t +513 / -2 121 comments share 121 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Maybe that what was the important happenings in the judges Robing Room? Why not chambers?
Robing room? Is that like a powder room or green room? What the fuck is with these goddamn tyrants? Man, I hate these people. And why can't "chambers" just be called an office?
A relic of once-Great Britain we desperately need to get rid of.
Was probably a wig room them too. What was with those dumb wigs anyway??
I have no idea. Maybe our "judges" should start wearing those again.
Eh, no!