posted ago by BlazingBear ago by BlazingBear +27 / -0

Has anyone else experienced the need or desire to leave organizations they have been involved in (business or social) due to the overwhelming liberal bias of the organization? I recently joined a group I was very excited about getting involved with (non-political social organization). During a recent meeting it came out that the organizational members were almost 100% liberal. I had figured this out as they were vaccination crazy, ready to sign up for every three month boosters for life. Since I was fairly new, I decided not to go further with the organization as there was no sense in investing in something that was so divergent to my way of thinking. This is the second such organization I have walked away from in the last three months. The first organization I had been involved with for years but felt marginalized and silenced by their overwhelming Trump hate and Fauci love. With them, I just indicated that my time there was at its end, so I never really outed myself as a conservative. The newer organization, in my departure letter, I did mention that I expected to find a more balanced set of views than they presented, so from that stand pointed I did out myself. I really feel like we have become a bifurcated society and unlike days past, when those policy and value differences could be overlooked, we are now at a point where the divisions are too deep. Any one else facing this? Thoughts?