Respectfully disagree with your interpretation of next (6) years. Yes, the rebuilding will continue for a long time as more and more areas of the society will keep getting cleaned up, like rebuilding the education system, rebuilding the scientific community, rebuilding financial systems etc - everything from scratch.
However, it does not mean that the current situation is going to keep going for another 4 years. There will be nothing left worth saving if at the very least vaccinations are not exposed and media is not exposed. If these two are exposed and our brothers and sisters start fighting along side us rather than against us, we can happily endure another 10 years if need be.
Right now families are shattered, kids dont talk to their parents, brothers and sisters dont talk to each other, neighbours are suspicious of each other - this kind of division cannot keep going on for too long.
Respectfully disagree with your interpretation of next (6) years. Yes, the rebuilding will continue for a long time as more and more areas of the society will keep getting cleaned up, like rebuilding the education system, rebuilding the scientific community, rebuilding financial systems etc - everything from scratch.
However, it does not mean that the current situation is going to keep going for another 4 years. There will be nothing left worth saving if at the very least vaccinations are not exposed and media is not exposed. If these two are exposed and our brothers and sisters start fighting along side us rather than against us, we can happily endure another 10 years if need be.
Right now families are shattered, kids dont talk to their parents, brothers and sisters dont talk to each other, neighbours are suspicious of each other - this kind of division cannot keep going on for too long.
You could be right
Can’t it?
If you are dead by the time the other side loses steam then you still lose and you're still dead.