Mind control with a brick bat. Kids do not get strokes.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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No one is saying it's a joke. The rate is stable at 2.3 to 2.5 strokes per 100,000 children. What is unacceptable is lying to hide vaccine injury.
Then let's stop insisting that kids "don't" have strokes. Let's stop insisting that. this campaign is not legitimate because "kids don't have strokes". Or because they don't have them often enough for you. You're wrong. They do. It being rare doesn't matter to those whose kids have had/are at risk of stroke, is it? Minimizing this is like minimizing vaccine injury. You are guilty of exactly what you complain about
My daughter has a rare genetic disorder, and she gets a transfusion every other week to keep her alive. Luckily the number of people with her disorder is extremely low, probably around the same amount as children who have strokes. There’s no monthly media blitz about her disorder, because there doesn’t need to be, just like child strokes doesn’t need an awareness campaign.
They’re pushing a narrative to make the strokes seem more common than they actually are, in the same manor as the non-stop PR campaigns pushing transgender and pedophilia narratives.
How old are you? I'm 46, never even heard of pediatric stroke until a month ago at best? And....
My mom is retired nurse, my sister is a pharmacist, my mom's best friend was Chief of Staff at one of the local hospitals for 22 years, I have 2 cousins who are nurses - one, specifically, emergency pediatric care. My wife's aunt is currently the "lead nurse" under the Chief of Staff. My ex's mom is Chief Lab Tech. We bowl in a league that is all Regional Hospital Staff. Personally know / friends with over 30 doctors and nurses. That is because the 2 hospitals here employ almost 40% of my city.
My mom has 4 brothers, 5 sisters, ALL but 1 had 3 kids. ALL their kids have at least 2 kids now as well. That's a whole lot of medical history / current events, and a whole lot of kids I have had direct access to over my 46 years of life.
Never, ever heard of pediatric stroke.
Specifically, the number of kids - 15 and under - who you've known throughout your entire life to date, that have had a stroke?
Nobody is saying kids don't have strokes. It's the point of : are there REALLY that many kids on a regular basis that are having strokes that we NOW need to be made aware of it more than before?
Honestly, were you REALLY aware there is Pediatric Stroke Month until a few weeks ago?
I'm 60. I worked as a speech pathologist for 20 yrs. I have a son with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Kids have strokes. This is nothing new. Not enough kids to warrant public education/awareness? Who made that rule? As I said elsewhere, 1% of kids are born with heart disease. Do you think we should do away with their campaign as well? Because not enough kids are impacted?
You're 46. That's old enough to know that you not knowing about sonething means diddly in the big picfure.
Just because you've never heard of something existing or happening before doesn't mean it doesn't happen regularly with some people. Despite the fact you seem to know a lot of medical professionals in your personal life, your knowledge on things is not infinite. Everyone is ignorant about something or another.