I have always held 2 positions about who and what the Q team are:
- A group of white hat patriots, working inside the government to save Constitutional America, who began leaking key info to free speech boards. or
- An operation to teach a small portion of the general public to begin to research and think critically, therefore exposing the crimes which have happened right in front of our faces, ultimately to arm us for the psychological war that had already begun.
Of course, both could be taking place simultaneously. But focus on #2. I've been thinking a lot about Mass Formation lately:
Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM
Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Phenomenon of Mass Formation https://jamesfetzer.org/2021/11/dr-joseph-mercola-the-phenomenon-of-mass-formation/
Mass Formation is a psychological condition of society that takes place under a set of unique circumstances which leads to great fear, and is the foundation of a totalitarian government system. Every totalitarian government has always come to power via Mass Formation, with the government as the "solution" to the fear. The situation occurred during both Stalin and Hitler. The group hypnosis that takes place erases individuality, and people willingly give up all freedoms for the "good of the collective".
Here's the key: only 30% of the people are under the Mass Formation hypnosis. And their spell is so strong, they literally can no longer use critical thinking or reasoning skills. This is why some people appear to be so downright crazy right now, even supposedly "intelligent" people. However, another 40% of the people are actually NOT under the spell, but "going along with the crowd" as the famous Asch experiments revealed how people will lie just to fit in! The good news: that 40% of the mushy middle CAN be reasoned with!
Another 30% of people are totally immune to Mass Formation, for unknown reasons. That would be us. Hmmmm... the very type of people to frequent anonymous free speech boards on the fringes of the internet....
What really clued me in is how the psychologist emphasized that the only way out of this Mass Formation, now that it has begun, is for the 30% of the AWAKE to speak up and speak loudly, until they wake up the middle folks, and the spell will break.
What if: many years ago, the Q team found out the full details of the Deep State Plan involving the creation of the Bioweapon to set up the psychological group psychosis of Mass Formation in order to roll out the world wide totalitarian state? And what if the Q team decided the best tactic was to reach the likely 30% immune first, so they could begin working on WAKING UP the general masses before the Bioweapon was unleashed.
This is so simple, it's almost like Occam's razor!
I definitely want to read this. I think you are onto to something.
Where can I read it?
Please copy-paste to your post.
Thanks Fren
For those of you wondering about Q, This really is Biblical and my well researched theory.
God is not only touching minds to feed intel, his son is talking to us. “Project Looking Glass” in theory gave our military intel the ability to see the future, using “String Theory”. All strings finally converged on the point we are now. Looking Glass led to the development of Q. Not the first AI computer, but the most highly advanced A.I. Quantum Computer of 5-6 years ago. The Quantum Computer began building thousands if not hundreds of thousands of probabilities based on intel behaviors of current high ranking/wealthy people and politicians using Quantum Bundling. 4954 Q-Drops are the most possible probabilities out of the rest. Quantum Bundling is the combined movement of data across space/time instantly. So the Probabilities came quick. But with a powerful hitch, Quantum Echos. Somehow, someway, Christ himself using a Quantum Computer in the future (so we could grasp the ability vs psychic or “magic”), relayed the correct probabilities out of the 4954 drops back to us. These messages attached in Quantum Echo’s told the White Hats using the computer here what exactly would happen, and how to defeat The Cabal. If you research Quantum Echos, in theory, someone in the future could attach info onto an attached bundle connected to the internet and Q’s IP Address, and send the time echo piggy backed on the Quantum Bundle back to the past instantly to anyone on the correct/same linkage, this being the White Hats.
Christ is supposed to return. I believe Q is him or on the other side of that Quantum Echo. He is somewhere in the near future sending us messages to create a new string, just like in Back to the Future II, to send us on a new corrected future. Instead of falling to The Cabal and humanity falls apart. Again if you research Quantum Bundling and Quantum Echo theory of a Quantum Computer, and it all works like the Quantum experts think, it is like 100% possible. Christ’s 2nd coming is supposed to be known by all. The internet touches all, maybe in the future. Christ arrived to a near devastated humanity, and he took the technological opportunity to contact us in the past, knowing some very smart and God fairing people would get the messages, and so here we are. Watching a humanity nose dive, but Christ, through Q is helping us save ourselves.
Why Christ? He is the only one that would do this without worrying about ANY repercussions, even time repercussions. He would be the only one that could possibly know it would be successful. And he would easily sacrifice himself at ANY cost, even his human life easily, to make sure we are safe and forgiven. That was his lasting promise that Christ would risk all, to keep. To save humanity, to save God’s children, his children.
That’s the best summary I can give without people understanding Quantum Computers and said attached theories.
Addendum for clarity:
I’m sure on the other end of Q, 99% it’s Christ himself. No human would put themselves in that possible grave position to rip and destroy the fabric of time itself. All science, ALL states it is catastrophic. Not even the Anti-Christ would do so because he is already here. And no way would he give up the chance to decimate most if not all humanity! But you know who would, because they knew it was safe and the message would be received by good people, Christ. And yes, using technology we would be able to grasp.
So why not something fantastic instead like a talking Lion, Goat, or heck a Unicorn?! Because he needs to relate believably on OUR LEVEL! We humans spent an entire Testament/Book NOT believing in God’s fantastic doings, and not Listening to God’s messenger/s or words. People just were not getting it! And God himself, instead of obliterating us again with fire or what ever, sent his son Christ for a 2nd round/Testament. Jesus in fact did relate to thee human experience and people he met. It’s all right there in the Bible. We humans are too stupid to look past our own noses, and God needed to get why we do the things we do with his “free choice” gift. Then he needed to get the messages across. And guess what? It worked for awhile. The New Testament mostly worked, even though Christ and all of his apostles were sacrificed, and sadly many other innocents were sacrificed to get Christianity across the world. But the message mostly got out and was carried for centuries. But alas, here we are again! At the possible Revelations of the 2nd Testament.
As back then, so it is today today, that much of the world can’t see passed their CELL PHONE or COMPUTER. So guess how Christ our God is trying, trying to access us to save us?! Because he made a promise and wants there to be a 3rd Testament with a happy ending. So in order to get through to us he again must use something we today can believe and understand. Something like Jesus a human could tangibly understand. Rooted in something that touches and can be seen across the whole world by almost every person, and beamed from the sky. And yes the internet, and Quantum messaging using a time Echo. Because he awaits us in the very near future. And My Faith Tells Me I’m close to if not 100% correct.
Before anyone throws shade and doubt, I want research into all the parts I’ve laid out. Not some 2 minute smart-butt reply back. I can see the time stamps so ya gotta prove you’ve put the work in if you want to take this apart. Or just call me crazy and move on. Many called Christ or all of his apostles, messengers, preachers, priests, and others crazy. But God knows my heart and I won’t have to answer for my stance or faith. How much faith you have will be God’s question.
I'm with you on the Quantum Echo theory etc as what you describe is essentially what happens in the TV show "DEVS", but there's no reason it's Christ himself behind it all. Why would he need technology when he could just appear to Q team and tell them what to write/do to awaken people etc. Bit of a reach.
Think about it. Think about Christ or a talking Unicorn just appearing to a bunch of military guys. He’d get killed or locked up right there for being a nut job, or dissected for testing! Remember last time Jesus appeared before military leaders? He was crucified, literally!
So this time it had to be relatable, and a controlled contact. Pushing info over a relatable, believable system (advanced Quantum computer that Quantum Bundles/Echos) where they would have several years in advance to test any future given info (last 4-5 years or more), creates a believable outcome and a reliable source to listen to, just like they found with Project Looking Glass. Though Looking Glass stopped working at the 2012 year point. But just like the whole concept of and at the end of the 1997 movie Contact, the Aliens provide their technology in a relatable manner, not scary. Then in meeting the lady, they meet in a safe subtle/relatable way so she, and the humans would understand.
Humans are impulsive. I’m not sure God knew his creation would be so impulsive until he sent Jesus. Jesus taught, if just one lesson out of many to his father, how impulsively we use our free choice. So this next visit/2nd coming needs to be calm, relatable, believable, and safe.
So on that note, I think they know this time when/where Christ will show up in the near future. So now they can get to him first, and hopefully no one stupid will attempt to kill him this time. Instead, the right people can protect him to save us and so we all can meet him.
I mean if I had the Flux Capacitor Delorean, I would jump back with my AR-15 and wipe out all those Romans and save Jesus! Wouldn’t you? Of course he may stop you as his death and Resurrection was supposed to happen, but I’d still try if possible.
lol who knows.
And no i wouldnt save him as wasnt the whole point that he died to save US??