MSM worried about “Trump’s Next Coup” 🤔 They are afraid of the 30 million +++ people who are now awake...🇺🇸🔥🇺🇸
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The Word is Racine.
Racine means Root.
If everyone realized what their real Agenda is, and how Racine is used as the Root, gateway and model, they would begin to understand the real purpose of the Mark of the Beast, and that the global elite have been working for generations to build the organization and technology needed to implement their Agenda.
The real Agenda is beyond global enslavement. They aim to control every aspect of life and community from conception to cradle to career to grave and beyond. They aim to alter humanity into transhumanism with The Mark of the Beast enforced by smart cities, resilient communities, quantum AI and community policing.
Their Agenda is Eternal Enslavement.
My family is partially French and Racine doesn't exactly mean root in the language, it means a person who grows root vegetables mostly.
Knapp worked for the Illuminati families including the Astors. The Bavarian Illuminati never disbanded, they moved to Racine. What was their involvement in the French Revolution?
Why move to such a shit hole? Racine is one of the ugliest towns ever. They were living in the south of France, which is beautiful.
It was once the great model industrious city of America and invention capital of the world. It was destroyed by design in order to be the model to 6uild 6ack 6etter.