All of the girls should just cede each match to a male opponent before even getting on the mat. All of the boys would win and advance, but when all of their titles are from 'forfeits', their chance to parlay these wins into college careers/money will be foiled. Recruiters look at actual skills and 'points', not just 'wins'. Girls still wrestle girls if they wish. Wouldn't take more than 1 or 2 seasons to effect a change or else tank the program until the rules are back in stasis.
I suddenly feel perfectly sane
The left seems to believe that men are better at EVERYTHING. Even being women.
In this case, even white men.
I'm picturing a parent screaming from the side lines "Kick her in her NUTS!"
All of the girls should just cede each match to a male opponent before even getting on the mat. All of the boys would win and advance, but when all of their titles are from 'forfeits', their chance to parlay these wins into college careers/money will be foiled. Recruiters look at actual skills and 'points', not just 'wins'. Girls still wrestle girls if they wish. Wouldn't take more than 1 or 2 seasons to effect a change or else tank the program until the rules are back in stasis.
Some voyeuristic sick fuk must like that..
Equal rights, equal lefts.
His dad must be proud.
That is a girl choking a girl... the one who is winning happens to be on drugs