I found out today a very liberal friend hasn't gotten the jab, b/c his wife is in to natural remedies. I know some naturalists are here, but many are not. Other groups we should be reaching out to:
naturalist - left and right leaning black people - there are a lot of black people very against the jab. I am sure there are some on here, but how do we come together as a whole
If we can unite with these groups, we break the right vs left paradigm. If we break that paradigm the cabal's divide and conquer game will crumble.
HOLD.... The new internet along with the new social media in coming Q1-2022.
HOLD, keep your powder dry, organize your meme folder and rest up. We go to FULL WAR after christmas, with the Trump org behind us, giving us a real platform.
This! ^
It is very frustrating on anon platforms like GAW that we can't make IRL contact and create group meetings, actions, etc. But something tells me that is all going to change quite soon.
Swervish is right, Trump platform(s) will open things up like never before. I don't know how just yet, but there is a brand new feeling in the air. Can you feel it?
Natural vitamin stores can be a potential area to find others.
Open with asking them if they agree that soulless corporations that put money before the wellbeing of the planet are the greatest threat humanity has ever known.
Then talk about how improperly disposing of plastics are devastating the environment.
Then talk about how masks and needles are doing untold harm to our oceans, contributing to microplastic sludge pits.
Then talk about how BP caused one of the largest oil spills in history and then were forced to clean it up with petroleum-based detergents which they conveniently sold to the governments telling them to clean up the mess. In other words, they made a mess, were told to clean it up, and then, in a roundabout way, charged the government for the soap -- effectively ending with a net profit on the whole debacle...
Then ask them if that sounds like any other billion-dollar industry which sells the cure for the problems they underhandedly caused.
Then remind them that Pfizer just acquired Arena Pharmaceuticals, which just so happens to specialize on immunology inflammation and cardiology.
Round and round in circles we go!
Come Meet 100,000 Other Like Minds. THE EVENT Has The Biggest Names in The Health Freedom Movement. All Speaking Against The Corruption In Government and Media. Let's All Push Together. Click To Register For Free. Follow this link to watch a trailer of the event, see a schedule of events, and check out the speakers - https://2021.theevent.global/?ac=JgEcfhXd See Link Below to Weekly Newsletter I receive in my email from Jason Christoff (you can opt to receive the newsletter).
Articles in the latest newsletter: Russell Brand Using His Fame To Warn The World German Doctor Explains Why The COVID Vaccines Are Designed To Kill The Great Reset Is About Killing Billions With Fake Vaccines And Enslaving Who Remains Who Exactly Is Organizing The Vaccine Genocide and Great Reset Explosive Documentaries Emerge Trying To Warn The World Of Enslavement Via Vaccine Passports Graphane Oxide "Razor Blades" Ripping Organs Apart From The Inside Graphane Oxide "Razor Blades" In Fake Vaccines Also Ripping Hearts Apart Everything People Need To Live Now Being Tied To injecting The Graphene Oxide "Razor Blades"
Count me in
I want this too.
I told my wife I’m not getting snipped because I might need to do my patriotic duty of helping repopulate the country. 🇺🇸
You should add to that, and tell her you have been reading up on being more of a naturalist, so you won't be letting a lab conceive any babies, you will have to do it the old fashioned way!
Oh she picked up what I was laying down! ...and then rolled her eyes, groaned, and our dinner guests all laughed. 😁
that reaction sounds very familiar.
ASking for a friend - Is it legal to sell blood? or is it considered a body part?
I believe it is legal, blood banks used to pay people for blood, and still may pay for plasma.
There are groups forming but the last time I linked I got banned for schilling lol. Too bad the mods dont like you getting off the internet and meeting real ppl.
Telegram is a good gateway to find these things