The status of belligerent operation ends when the conditions for its application are no longer met. Certain GC obligations with respect to occupied territory continue for the duration after the general close of military operations.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
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Their trials will be historic events televised to the world. They need many modern courtrooms to accommodate cameras, reporters, witnesses, staff, etc. The public deserves to witness it as much as the criminals deserve hanging.
It's unclear whether this has been established
True, but imagine the outcome of putting Barack Obama on trial without cameras showing him admitting his crimes. A large portion of our population considers him the black messiah. And he's just one example of scores of criminal elites our culture worships. If a critical objective of Q and white hats is to reduce the risk of civil war, trying our elites in secret would run counter to that.
He was part of the 16 yr plan. I was telling one of my black friends that Bama was a pede and Michelle was a man. She thinks I am nuts but people will have to see for themselves. Not even a legit President.
I would imagine that Trump's "Truth" network would be carrying these trials. It will be THE way to communicate to the world without being filtered by the mainstream media. Can you imagine him NOT using it for this?
They already have all of that in place, and the contracts rewarded to film were prepared years ago.
Really? Any sauce on that? That would be amazing to see.
I remember reading about it years ago - I'd actually be a bit surprised if it still easily accessed. You could sometimes tune in and watch IIRC. Not much going on back then, but this all took a lot of preparation no doubt! I'll do a search and see if anything still comes up.