He told the southwest Florida news channel: "There’s nothing more absurd than having to wear a mask until I get to cruising altitude so that I can order Tito’s by the double and snack on pretzels, and illustrating that absurdity by wearing women’s underwear on my face sounds perfect.”
Second video in the article shows a second chad asking if other guy got kicked off even though he was wearing a mask (while mocking the mask drinking rules). He said screw that and left the plane too.
Lots of applause for the men who stood up for him. Imagine if the ENTIRE plane de-boarded in solidarity! Makes me want to book a flight just so I can help with a walkout.
I don't get why people here downvote information that may be true but they just don't like. I guess you're raining on someone's parade and that is more important to people than truth?
No idea if the FAA will succeed in fining him but if they do issue a fine, I hope he will win whatever subsequent lawsuit results. I would donate to his GoFundMe page for his legal fees.
Ok he might not be Rosa Parks but his mission is just as noble as hers.
He sacrificed his flight, his time to get in the news and make a point.
About how fucking stupid all this shit is.
Lol, I’m considering it. Only a $100 setback, but the news is priceless.
This. Is. Awesome.
Let's Go Brandon!! 🎉🎉
I heard it was actually Rosa Parks’ thong…. (no sources)
I heard it from an anonymous expert familiar with Rosa Parks undergarments.
Second video in the article shows a second chad asking if other guy got kicked off even though he was wearing a mask (while mocking the mask drinking rules). He said screw that and left the plane too.
White patriarchy fines man celebrating female independence.
I hereby bequeath his new patriot name as "Studly"
I've been missing Florida man. Great job!
Lots of applause for the men who stood up for him. Imagine if the ENTIRE plane de-boarded in solidarity! Makes me want to book a flight just so I can help with a walkout.
Anyone find any other links to adam jenne ? Would like to see what he has to say about all of this.
Did he take them off the woman first?
Red panty masks for all men who fly commercial from now until this BS ends please.
I was just asking two days ago where the balls on all the gentlemen had gone. Delighted to see another one who has found his.
Why do you say that? There was at least one other guy who got up and walked out.
he was weraing a mask...where are the faa guidelines for what it is supposed to be...nuff said...and kudos to him
I don't get why people here downvote information that may be true but they just don't like. I guess you're raining on someone's parade and that is more important to people than truth?
No idea if the FAA will succeed in fining him but if they do issue a fine, I hope he will win whatever subsequent lawsuit results. I would donate to his GoFundMe page for his legal fees.