More and more I'm realizing this is a process, and a LONG process. I think a lot of people think 45's gonna come back, it will all be wrapped up and then we go forward.
But look at where we are now. I doubt few, if any, could have predicted or foreseen where we would be in Dec 2021. Heck, the GA started so long ago now. 4 fricken years.... ages ago. Almost half a decade.
Although the evidence that something is going on continues to accumulate, there is also still a LOT of evidence that we really have very little idea of what that something is.
Either way, this is going to take years and years to move through this process. Things may well change very quickly, but it won't be like, well, everything changed and so now, well, its over.
Decades. Surely. But the point is, this moment in human history is intense, pivotal, and very very central (significant).
So to respond to the OP - this site will likely continue, or not, and the Great Awakening will enter into a new phase. That is all.
reddit/CBS and the Reddit/GA had its phase, voat had its phase, GAW is another phase. This site may continue, or may close, or may transform into something else, but the Great Awakening itself will move to a new phase, and certainly (imo) not the last phase. Many more to come.
I've been thinking a bit lately about what you're mentioning: Trump returning in 2024.
This is just a feeling, but in a "perfect timeline" I could see The Great Awakening sweeping through the land these next couple of years, to the point that 2024 happens, it's a unqualified landslide victory for Trump and he goes into Office able to take swift, Biblical actions. By that point the corruption has all been exposed, everyone with any kind of attention span is aware of it, and We The People are champing at the bit, finally Awake and Involved. Trump would be able to absolutely Bring The Pain, very quickly and decisively.
It’s been said this getting our republic back and clean up phase will take a few years possibly even a decade, I see this site would help us communicate, solve problems, stay connected with like minded souls, it should continue we will need it to stay sane.
u/OregonHonkFrog wrote:
Was gonna post this exact comment.
More and more I'm realizing this is a process, and a LONG process. I think a lot of people think 45's gonna come back, it will all be wrapped up and then we go forward.
But look at where we are now. I doubt few, if any, could have predicted or foreseen where we would be in Dec 2021. Heck, the GA started so long ago now. 4 fricken years.... ages ago. Almost half a decade.
Although the evidence that something is going on continues to accumulate, there is also still a LOT of evidence that we really have very little idea of what that something is.
Either way, this is going to take years and years to move through this process. Things may well change very quickly, but it won't be like, well, everything changed and so now, well, its over.
Decades. Surely. But the point is, this moment in human history is intense, pivotal, and very very central (significant).
So to respond to the OP - this site will likely continue, or not, and the Great Awakening will enter into a new phase. That is all.
reddit/CBS and the Reddit/GA had its phase, voat had its phase, GAW is another phase. This site may continue, or may close, or may transform into something else, but the Great Awakening itself will move to a new phase, and certainly (imo) not the last phase. Many more to come.
Meanwhile, we fight.
Good post. Good posts.
I've been thinking a bit lately about what you're mentioning: Trump returning in 2024.
This is just a feeling, but in a "perfect timeline" I could see The Great Awakening sweeping through the land these next couple of years, to the point that 2024 happens, it's a unqualified landslide victory for Trump and he goes into Office able to take swift, Biblical actions. By that point the corruption has all been exposed, everyone with any kind of attention span is aware of it, and We The People are champing at the bit, finally Awake and Involved. Trump would be able to absolutely Bring The Pain, very quickly and decisively.
A rising tide lifts all ships.
It’s been said this getting our republic back and clean up phase will take a few years possibly even a decade, I see this site would help us communicate, solve problems, stay connected with like minded souls, it should continue we will need it to stay sane.