It will! He wants the Shot in everyone's arm because it has the Beast marker and is the first step in Transhumanism! BTW - When is Congress or Senate going to be mandated to get the Jab! When everyone is mandated we'll see what happens! I'm 73 and I definitely don't need a warning from a Communist Satanic Thug!
That wont wake up the sheep they will be jumping for joy because everything is taking away from you. Where the hell do you people get the impression the sheep give a shit about you. They want you dead they dont care what the government does to you dont you get it?
What’s going to be the “stark warning”. “You better get vaccinated or else….”? Give me a break! At this point the only way they’re going to get those who haven’t gotten the jab is to physically hold them down and force them to take it.
"If you do not take the poison that will kill you, we will kill you." -Joe
I'm hoping for quarantine camps, job losses, inter-state travel restrictions, deprivation of benefits... all of it (boomerang ofc).
If it wakes up the rest of the sheep we can call it a Christmas miracle.
I am just waiting for the shooting to start. this is what will trigger it.
It will! He wants the Shot in everyone's arm because it has the Beast marker and is the first step in Transhumanism! BTW - When is Congress or Senate going to be mandated to get the Jab! When everyone is mandated we'll see what happens! I'm 73 and I definitely don't need a warning from a Communist Satanic Thug!
Pop the blister already.
That wont wake up the sheep they will be jumping for joy because everything is taking away from you. Where the hell do you people get the impression the sheep give a shit about you. They want you dead they dont care what the government does to you dont you get it?
The deep state/Dems want you dead. The sheep are morons who can’t think their way out of a paper bag and believe anything the news tells them.
Yeah, I don't see the sheep waking up over quarantine camps. Civil war is the only thing that will save this country at this point.
I did say miracle 🤣
the sheep are already vaccinated and wouldn't care if they gunned you down. lol
Hello Mister Biden, Merry fucking Christmas, take your stark warning to the unvaxxed and shove it right straight back up your corrupt asshole.
In case you haven't noticed... it's Jesus's birthday season, so I'll thank you not to fucking talk while my family celebrates.
What’s going to be the “stark warning”. “You better get vaccinated or else….”? Give me a break! At this point the only way they’re going to get those who haven’t gotten the jab is to physically hold them down and force them to take it.
"Get the vaccination by Jan 1, or the army is coming to round you up and put you in camps"?
Bring it, Brandon!
he can totally go fuk himself
Pound sand. Specifically, the sand you abandoned in the middle east.
Lee Harvey Oswald , any descendent’s ?🤣
This should be good .... I wonder why on Tuesday. That's the 21st. Isn't there an event on the 21st?
First day of winter. For Gaia worshippers, the equinoxes are important.
Gives all his buds time to arrange stocks, etc.
here we go
As if.
I cant wait for this spawn to meet Satan
Go fuck yourself.