These morons think the moon and the sun are INSIDE the "dome" and are on the same plane. Watch him use the old "iTs cGI" excuse when you ask him to explain an eclipse. Oh sorry, flat earther's "proofer" argument will be a link to a youtube video; that's the go to, they can't even parrot the shit they watch.
If I lay down on the beach at sunset until the Sun drops below the horizon, why can I see it again when I stand up?
Where do meteors come from if there is a ceiling and space is fake?
I got about 30 more questions flat earth retards can't answer. They do what low intellect slugs only know how to do ; resort to name calling.
Idiots who failed grade 8 science trying to convince you the earth is flat is laughable at best.
I've never engaged with one before. I'm really good at not wasting my time. I'm too self-confident to bother. People who can't stop arguing are trying to convince themselves, not me.
So they started on the wrong leg and had to go from stupid to full fucking retard in order to maintain. Fortunately we know that it's just a CIA psyop so that the mainstream can bundle 9/11 truthers with flat-earthers in the same sentence it's so damn obvious.
▪️Why are all 5 Astronauts from Apollo 9 free masons?
▪️Why is Copernicus , “round earther” treated like a patron Saint to Masons?
▪️Did you know masonry is a religion?
▪️Besides what media & academics tell you about space & universe, can you empirically prove anything yourself? Flat earthers can prove their position with empirical evidence.
Is the sun flat
Off the planet anyway. I'm going to throw in the Moon while we're at it.
These morons think the moon and the sun are INSIDE the "dome" and are on the same plane. Watch him use the old "iTs cGI" excuse when you ask him to explain an eclipse. Oh sorry, flat earther's "proofer" argument will be a link to a youtube video; that's the go to, they can't even parrot the shit they watch.
If I lay down on the beach at sunset until the Sun drops below the horizon, why can I see it again when I stand up?
Where do meteors come from if there is a ceiling and space is fake?
I got about 30 more questions flat earth retards can't answer. They do what low intellect slugs only know how to do ; resort to name calling.
Idiots who failed grade 8 science trying to convince you the earth is flat is laughable at best.
I've never engaged with one before. I'm really good at not wasting my time. I'm too self-confident to bother. People who can't stop arguing are trying to convince themselves, not me.
So they started on the wrong leg and had to go from stupid to full fucking retard in order to maintain. Fortunately we know that it's just a CIA psyop so that the mainstream can bundle 9/11 truthers with flat-earthers in the same sentence it's so damn obvious.
▪️Why are all 5 Astronauts from Apollo 9 free masons?
▪️Why is Copernicus , “round earther” treated like a patron Saint to Masons?
▪️Did you know masonry is a religion?
▪️Besides what media & academics tell you about space & universe, can you empirically prove anything yourself? Flat earthers can prove their position with empirical evidence.