These morons think the moon and the sun are INSIDE the "dome" and are on the same plane. Watch him use the old "iTs cGI" excuse when you ask him to explain an eclipse. Oh sorry, flat earther's "proofer" argument will be a link to a youtube video; that's the go to, they can't even parrot the shit they watch.
If I lay down on the beach at sunset until the Sun drops below the horizon, why can I see it again when I stand up?
Where do meteors come from if there is a ceiling and space is fake?
I got about 30 more questions flat earth retards can't answer. They do what low intellect slugs only know how to do ; resort to name calling.
Idiots who failed grade 8 science trying to convince you the earth is flat is laughable at best.
I've never engaged with one before. I'm really good at not wasting my time. I'm too self-confident to bother. People who can't stop arguing are trying to convince themselves, not me.
So they started on the wrong leg and had to go from stupid to full fucking retard in order to maintain. Fortunately we know that it's just a CIA psyop so that the mainstream can bundle 9/11 truthers with flat-earthers in the same sentence it's so damn obvious.
▪️Why are all 5 Astronauts from Apollo 9 free masons?
▪️Why is Copernicus , “round earther” treated like a patron Saint to Masons?
▪️Did you know masonry is a religion?
▪️Besides what media & academics tell you about space & universe, can you empirically prove anything yourself? Flat earthers can prove their position with empirical evidence.
Ok explain eclipses to me. Show me your 'empirical evidence" to explain this, please. WITHOUT linking me to a youtube video - tell me with your OWN intelligence and words - how are eclipses possible on a flat earth if the moon and sun are inside the dome and on the same plane?
I'll wait for you 'empirical evidence' - pardon while I pee myself laughing.
I can do physical experiments to prove gravity - which means centrifugal force - which means we're spinning. You can't do ONE single physical experiment to prove your view.
Moon landings are fake, btw. Called the Van Allen Radiation belts - can't get past them. Ever heard 'low earth orbit'? Go down that rabbit hole.
Can you show me, specifically , what mission had FIVE astronauts? Bring a point of argument that isn't even right. LOL. You'd think you would at least CHECK your 'points' before you look like an idiot maybe.
And just to add insult to injury : Can you PROVE, like provide some evidence HERE, that these "five" astronauts are actual free masons?
Oh and BTW:
You DO KNOW that flat earth is from the bible, right?
You do know that Free Masonry MIRRORS Christianity and the bible, right?
So then, you SHOULD know that Free Masonry would NEVER go along with anything in the bible, right?
You might want to actually check your "facts" before you sit at a table next time, son. You might be arguing with someone who knows a LOT more than you do about Free Masonry lol.
Like, you couldn't even figure out NO Apollo missions had 5 astronauts, yet you bring that as an point of contention, and you think you're smarter than folks with PhD's in the field? No wonder you believe in flat earth lol
I get it, I get it, you’re getting bent out of shape because I am exposing your false religion. We’ve all been there. Looking at your responses through your history, it seems like you’re a very angry person & like to throw insults to get your point across; I like to ask questions. I don’t claim to know the entire truth, but I analyze inconsistencies in theories presented to me as “the truth”.
How do you explain so many Freemasons being astronauts? Perhaps that’s what it takes to maintain a lie. You actually believe they survived the Van Allen Radiation belt for three days in a tin can?
▪️Why did this astronaut say that he would love to go back to the moon but we can’t because we destroyed the tech? You mean we had less aerospace tech capacity in the 2000’s than we did in the 60’s?
▪️Don’t you find it odd that the father of aerospace tech & predecessor to NASA, JPL’s Jack Parsons was an OTO Satanic occultist?
▪️ Warner Von Braun, former NAZI rocket Scientist was the Director of the NASA.
▪️Flat earthers can prove the globe model is wrong with simple math. The curb model shouldn’t allow for people to see buildings on the other side of the Great Lakes, but somehow they can.
It doesn’t take a PHD to see all the inconsistencies & uncomfortable facts. THESE are the astronauts & government agencies YOU chose to believe in, not me.
Perhaps you & coveted PHD’s that spend their entire lives studying theories handed to you by occultist MIGHT be wrong. I chose NOT to have my world view shaped by occultists or people that belong to shady secret societies.
And bingo...once again a flat earther completely fails the task : can't answer the questions. And you proved again, flat earther's can't even repeat the stuff they ( LOL ) learn.
"Forget asking me about something I can NEVER explain with my retarded flat earth belief, but here " Go dO tHe rEseARch YoUrsElf"
As I said, laughable at best. Can you even tie you own shoes?
If the earth is flat, when I throw something, or you shoot something : why doesn't it travel in a straight line forever? What makes it travel in an arc?
In that :
Then entire time said object is in the air - from the time it leaves my hand until it hits the ground - there is a direct relation between it's weight, the velocity it's travelling and the distance it is from the ground.
What is that relation, and why, no matter where along the distance the object travels you take a measurement, you get the same number of 9.2?
Here's where we find out that , yes, you probably also failed grade 8 math.
Here's another one :
Take a 10 gallon bucket and hook it up to a drill. Turn the drill on so the bucket spins for a few minutes. Then, take a few balls of different density ( size doesn't matter ) and throw them in the bucket.
After a few minutes : what do the balls do, and why? I'm asking you to explain centrifugal force on a flat earth that isn't spinning. I'll wait.
These morons think the moon and the sun are INSIDE the "dome" and are on the same plane. Watch him use the old "iTs cGI" excuse when you ask him to explain an eclipse. Oh sorry, flat earther's "proofer" argument will be a link to a youtube video; that's the go to, they can't even parrot the shit they watch.
If I lay down on the beach at sunset until the Sun drops below the horizon, why can I see it again when I stand up?
Where do meteors come from if there is a ceiling and space is fake?
I got about 30 more questions flat earth retards can't answer. They do what low intellect slugs only know how to do ; resort to name calling.
Idiots who failed grade 8 science trying to convince you the earth is flat is laughable at best.
I've never engaged with one before. I'm really good at not wasting my time. I'm too self-confident to bother. People who can't stop arguing are trying to convince themselves, not me.
So they started on the wrong leg and had to go from stupid to full fucking retard in order to maintain. Fortunately we know that it's just a CIA psyop so that the mainstream can bundle 9/11 truthers with flat-earthers in the same sentence it's so damn obvious.
▪️Why are all 5 Astronauts from Apollo 9 free masons?
▪️Why is Copernicus , “round earther” treated like a patron Saint to Masons?
▪️Did you know masonry is a religion?
▪️Besides what media & academics tell you about space & universe, can you empirically prove anything yourself? Flat earthers can prove their position with empirical evidence.
Ok explain eclipses to me. Show me your 'empirical evidence" to explain this, please. WITHOUT linking me to a youtube video - tell me with your OWN intelligence and words - how are eclipses possible on a flat earth if the moon and sun are inside the dome and on the same plane?
I'll wait for you 'empirical evidence' - pardon while I pee myself laughing.
I can do physical experiments to prove gravity - which means centrifugal force - which means we're spinning. You can't do ONE single physical experiment to prove your view.
Moon landings are fake, btw. Called the Van Allen Radiation belts - can't get past them. Ever heard 'low earth orbit'? Go down that rabbit hole.
Can you show me, specifically , what mission had FIVE astronauts? Bring a point of argument that isn't even right. LOL. You'd think you would at least CHECK your 'points' before you look like an idiot maybe.
And just to add insult to injury : Can you PROVE, like provide some evidence HERE, that these "five" astronauts are actual free masons?
Oh and BTW:
You might want to actually check your "facts" before you sit at a table next time, son. You might be arguing with someone who knows a LOT more than you do about Free Masonry lol.
Like, you couldn't even figure out NO Apollo missions had 5 astronauts, yet you bring that as an point of contention, and you think you're smarter than folks with PhD's in the field? No wonder you believe in flat earth lol
I get it, I get it, you’re getting bent out of shape because I am exposing your false religion. We’ve all been there. Looking at your responses through your history, it seems like you’re a very angry person & like to throw insults to get your point across; I like to ask questions. I don’t claim to know the entire truth, but I analyze inconsistencies in theories presented to me as “the truth”.
How do you explain so many Freemasons being astronauts? Perhaps that’s what it takes to maintain a lie. You actually believe they survived the Van Allen Radiation belt for three days in a tin can?
▪️Why did this astronaut say that he would love to go back to the moon but we can’t because we destroyed the tech? You mean we had less aerospace tech capacity in the 2000’s than we did in the 60’s?
▪️Why did NASA destroy the original reels to the moon landing? Supposedly the most important historical event in man kind?
▪️Why did NASA gift fake moon rocks?
▪️Don’t you find it odd that the father of aerospace tech & predecessor to NASA, JPL’s Jack Parsons was an OTO Satanic occultist?
▪️ Warner Von Braun, former NAZI rocket Scientist was the Director of the NASA.
▪️Flat earthers can prove the globe model is wrong with simple math. The curb model shouldn’t allow for people to see buildings on the other side of the Great Lakes, but somehow they can.
It doesn’t take a PHD to see all the inconsistencies & uncomfortable facts. THESE are the astronauts & government agencies YOU chose to believe in, not me.
Perhaps you & coveted PHD’s that spend their entire lives studying theories handed to you by occultist MIGHT be wrong. I chose NOT to have my world view shaped by occultists or people that belong to shady secret societies.
I asked you some real easy questions you simply can not answer by PROVING how their theory works with what we see every day.
Also because you did exactly what I said; the only 'proof' flat earther's have is in a youtube video. Ride the cliche much?
SHOW ME this 'math' that proves the earth is flat - without linking me to a youtube video. Show me yourself.
And bingo...once again a flat earther completely fails the task : can't answer the questions. And you proved again, flat earther's can't even repeat the stuff they ( LOL ) learn.
"Forget asking me about something I can NEVER explain with my retarded flat earth belief, but here " Go dO tHe rEseARch YoUrsElf"
As I said, laughable at best. Can you even tie you own shoes?
Hey "bud"
If the earth is flat, when I throw something, or you shoot something : why doesn't it travel in a straight line forever? What makes it travel in an arc?
In that :
Then entire time said object is in the air - from the time it leaves my hand until it hits the ground - there is a direct relation between it's weight, the velocity it's travelling and the distance it is from the ground.
What is that relation, and why, no matter where along the distance the object travels you take a measurement, you get the same number of 9.2?
Here's where we find out that , yes, you probably also failed grade 8 math.
Here's another one :
Take a 10 gallon bucket and hook it up to a drill. Turn the drill on so the bucket spins for a few minutes. Then, take a few balls of different density ( size doesn't matter ) and throw them in the bucket.
After a few minutes : what do the balls do, and why? I'm asking you to explain centrifugal force on a flat earth that isn't spinning. I'll wait.