Gravity is still a theory because we only know it exists, not exactly how it manifests. It could be a magnetic field for all we know. We don’t understand the nature of gravity itself.
Helium in a ballon does not defy gravity, it stratifies like anything else. Shit stratification is demonstrated in a house heated by wood without sufficient airflow. Near the ceiling it’s cooking
hot, near the floor, cold.
Why are passengers in cars carried at the same speed as the car? If you spit at the back of the drivers head, why doesn’t your spit slam right back into your face? That’s why
So the unproven theory of gravity (given to us by a Freemason) explains why this imaginary force can hold down trillions of cubic pounds of water from escaping our atmosphere but can’t hold down a helium balloon or clouds that carry millions of gallons of rain water?
To believe in the theory of gravity, is to disbelieve my common sense. Round earth model also challenges ones own senses when traveling 35,000 ft in the air & seeing a flat plain or sailing in the ocean & seeing a flat plain 360 degrees view all around you.
I personally just don’t find it hard to believe that we have been lied to by FreeMasons & occultists. The Devils goal is to deceive us & what better way than to shape our understanding of earth? That’s my personal belief. I chose to believe my eyes, my senses & the Bible over Freemasons.
Then when is every other planet in our solar system a sphere and Earth is a flat plane? Why do we have millennia of star gazing under our belts and all of that math says celestial bodies are spherical?
Denying the reality of our existence is no different that denying your born sex. If there was evidence that wasn't explained away by demonstrable science then I might believe the idea of a flat Earth. However, there is no evidence that I have seen that remotely disproves the idea that the Earth is spherical.
I cannot comprehend the logical fallacies it must take to come to the conclusion that the Earth is a flat plane.
Are they Spheres though? What have YOU empirically seen & proven with your own eyes, vs. what NASA & academia have shown you?
You perhaps have been on a plane 35,000 ft up in the air or boat with a vision of site of hundreds of
miles; your eyes have empirically NOT seen a curve.
But hey, deny your eyes, deny your senses. Trust the Masonic order that gave you the sphere heliocentric model, trust the Masons that tell you they landed on the moon.
▪️So gravity is still a theory & we agree it is plausible that the theory given to us by a Freemason is bullshit? Glad we agree.
▪️Multiple balloons can make a man fly up, thus making a man defy the theory of gravity. A balloon has mass, yet when filled with helium it can defy gravity. Chew on that one a little longer.
▪️The spit analogy is silly. Do YOU feel like you are spinning 24,000 miles an hour at the moment?
While we are on the topic of YOUR senses, ever been out at sea & seen a curve? Ever been flying 35,000 feet and see a curve? Yeah… me neither.
Being able to make people deny their basic instincts & senses is a Testiment to the indoctrination, friendo.
Why can’t we fly over Antarctica? Even though it would save certain commercial airliners millions in fuel. Why haven’t we been back to the moon? And why do we always seen the same side of moon? What can explain those that have proven the curvature theory wrong by testing distance in the ocean?
A ballon floats in the air the same way a ship floats on the water. The helium in the ballon has less density for the volume it occupies. Gravity causes fluids/gases to stratify by density. Balloons take advantage of that. The lower density helium and the size of the balloon means that the volume of space the ballon occupies has less mass than the same volume of atmosphere. So, helium is forced up. Like a ping pong ball in a pool.
The spit analogy is not silly, it is the perfect analog for this. We are all riding earth together, moving at the same basic speed. The velocities we perceive are those that differ from what everything else is doing. Watching the stars at night makes me feel like we’re spinning that fast, yes.
▪️The theory* of gravity was given to us by Freemason, Issac Newton. If it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt & can be replicated in a controlled setting, it would become a law. It can’t be replicated, so it remains a theory - FACT.
▪️Copernicus, the astronomer that presented the theory that the Sun is the center of the university is treated as a Patron Saint by Freemasons.
▪️All 5 astronauts of the Apollo 9 mission were Freemasons.
It seems to me, that this secret society has an obvious vested interest in shaping our reality & understanding of outer space. The Masons themselves consider themselves a religion, according to Albert Pike. Is it not plausible that they have a hand in trying to shape our concepts of outer space & giving us these theories to undermine Christianity? I approach this
From an anthropological perspective, were we see two competing theories / civilizations clashing.
Flat earthers are more Bible based, whereas the heliocentric model / gravity theory perspective spoon fed to us by Masons?
Why is gravity still a theory & not a law?
Why does a helium balloon defy the theory of gravity?
Why doesn’t a plane fly faster going in the same direction as the spun of the earth?
These should be easy questions to answer.
They are easy to answer. You ignore the answer.
Gravity is still a theory because we only know it exists, not exactly how it manifests. It could be a magnetic field for all we know. We don’t understand the nature of gravity itself.
Helium in a ballon does not defy gravity, it stratifies like anything else. Shit stratification is demonstrated in a house heated by wood without sufficient airflow. Near the ceiling it’s cooking hot, near the floor, cold.
Why are passengers in cars carried at the same speed as the car? If you spit at the back of the drivers head, why doesn’t your spit slam right back into your face? That’s why
So the unproven theory of gravity (given to us by a Freemason) explains why this imaginary force can hold down trillions of cubic pounds of water from escaping our atmosphere but can’t hold down a helium balloon or clouds that carry millions of gallons of rain water?
To believe in the theory of gravity, is to disbelieve my common sense. Round earth model also challenges ones own senses when traveling 35,000 ft in the air & seeing a flat plain or sailing in the ocean & seeing a flat plain 360 degrees view all around you.
I personally just don’t find it hard to believe that we have been lied to by FreeMasons & occultists. The Devils goal is to deceive us & what better way than to shape our understanding of earth? That’s my personal belief. I chose to believe my eyes, my senses & the Bible over Freemasons.
Jesuits gave us the science religion full of lies.
All related.b
I would say it was the Masons that did that.
Then when is every other planet in our solar system a sphere and Earth is a flat plane? Why do we have millennia of star gazing under our belts and all of that math says celestial bodies are spherical?
Denying the reality of our existence is no different that denying your born sex. If there was evidence that wasn't explained away by demonstrable science then I might believe the idea of a flat Earth. However, there is no evidence that I have seen that remotely disproves the idea that the Earth is spherical.
I cannot comprehend the logical fallacies it must take to come to the conclusion that the Earth is a flat plane.
Are they Spheres though? What have YOU empirically seen & proven with your own eyes, vs. what NASA & academia have shown you?
You perhaps have been on a plane 35,000 ft up in the air or boat with a vision of site of hundreds of miles; your eyes have empirically NOT seen a curve.
But hey, deny your eyes, deny your senses. Trust the Masonic order that gave you the sphere heliocentric model, trust the Masons that tell you they landed on the moon.
▪️So gravity is still a theory & we agree it is plausible that the theory given to us by a Freemason is bullshit? Glad we agree.
▪️Multiple balloons can make a man fly up, thus making a man defy the theory of gravity. A balloon has mass, yet when filled with helium it can defy gravity. Chew on that one a little longer.
▪️The spit analogy is silly. Do YOU feel like you are spinning 24,000 miles an hour at the moment? While we are on the topic of YOUR senses, ever been out at sea & seen a curve? Ever been flying 35,000 feet and see a curve? Yeah… me neither.
Being able to make people deny their basic instincts & senses is a Testiment to the indoctrination, friendo.
Why can’t we fly over Antarctica? Even though it would save certain commercial airliners millions in fuel. Why haven’t we been back to the moon? And why do we always seen the same side of moon? What can explain those that have proven the curvature theory wrong by testing distance in the ocean?
I’m not really sure we agree on gravity.
A ballon floats in the air the same way a ship floats on the water. The helium in the ballon has less density for the volume it occupies. Gravity causes fluids/gases to stratify by density. Balloons take advantage of that. The lower density helium and the size of the balloon means that the volume of space the ballon occupies has less mass than the same volume of atmosphere. So, helium is forced up. Like a ping pong ball in a pool.
The spit analogy is not silly, it is the perfect analog for this. We are all riding earth together, moving at the same basic speed. The velocities we perceive are those that differ from what everything else is doing. Watching the stars at night makes me feel like we’re spinning that fast, yes.
▪️The theory* of gravity was given to us by Freemason, Issac Newton. If it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt & can be replicated in a controlled setting, it would become a law. It can’t be replicated, so it remains a theory - FACT.
▪️Copernicus, the astronomer that presented the theory that the Sun is the center of the university is treated as a Patron Saint by Freemasons.
▪️All 5 astronauts of the Apollo 9 mission were Freemasons.
It seems to me, that this secret society has an obvious vested interest in shaping our reality & understanding of outer space. The Masons themselves consider themselves a religion, according to Albert Pike. Is it not plausible that they have a hand in trying to shape our concepts of outer space & giving us these theories to undermine Christianity? I approach this From an anthropological perspective, were we see two competing theories / civilizations clashing.
Flat earthers are more Bible based, whereas the heliocentric model / gravity theory perspective spoon fed to us by Masons?
That’s the way I personally see it.
Heavy shot drops not tough to understand.