I feel like he is autistic he rainmaned his way through pharmacy school now he’s being forced to inject people on behalf of the state when he just wanted to count little pills all day.
I know lmao he had his happy little world of precisely putting 30 or 15 pills in their little bottles making sure everything is orderly now he’s been thrust into the center of a battle he wanted no part of.
Insert Rambo meme “wait until the people who just wanted to be left alone get involved” hahahahahaha
I feel like he is autistic he rainmaned his way through pharmacy school now he’s being forced to inject people on behalf of the state when he just wanted to count little pills all day.
He absolutely seemed to be on the spectrum.
I know lmao he had his happy little world of precisely putting 30 or 15 pills in their little bottles making sure everything is orderly now he’s been thrust into the center of a battle he wanted no part of.
Insert Rambo meme “wait until the people who just wanted to be left alone get involved” hahahahahaha