Not dooming and I know this is an unpopular take so I am ready to take some hits.
In no particular order, and certainly not exhaustive, see below for the company DJT is keeping in expressing anti-jab-hesitant views in December, which has seen a real ramp up of anti-jab-hesitant rhetoric. This does not seem coincidental. By targeting the unjabbed, DJT is being complicit, and disingenuous, since there is overwhelming evidence that the jabbed are equally and in many studies more likely to spread, catch, get sick, be hospitalised and die from C19, rendering jabs, passports and restrictions on the unjabbed pointless. Booster efficacy particularly against Moronicrom is also dubious. The timing of his comments had better be 5D chess followed up by decisive manoeuvres. Otherwise, if not, he’s just another elite joining the pile-on and fanning the flames of division among the masses.
Andrew Neil, BBC and MSM dinosaur (Lolita Express frequent flyer)
William Hague, ex-UK Conservative Party leader globalist twat
Anne McElvoy, BBC & WEF commie stalwart
Piers Morgan, prize chump
Karen Brady, entrepreneur and crony globalist capitalist
Sajid Javid, UK Health Secretary (aka Savage Jabber)
Tony Blair, international war criminal and globalist henchman
Joe Bai Den, CCP sock puppet and Resident of the USA
Germany, history’s famous socialist-fascist superstate, locks down unjabbed
Austria, birthplace of history’s famous socialist-fascist tyrant
Eric Swalwell, colossal dipshit and CCP sock puppet
My theory is, Trump has to know these shots are bad news. Someone HAS to have told him by now. Honestly, he should be on top of it already, as millions of people view him as the leader of the free world. I mean, none of is are the fucking PRESIDENT of THE UNITED EFFING STATES, and yet we know it. We know the high survival rate of the virus. We know about early treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ. We know about Vitamin D, Zinc and monoclonal antibodies. We know the doctors who are speaking out. We know this shit, why doesn't he?
The problem is, the rushing of them and skipping of the 10+ year safety data is his doing, at least that's what he CONSTANTLY brags about. So he has to push the shots as a positive thing. If he admits they are harmful, the blame falls directly on him. The shots were a bad move from the beginning he made it. Unless they were in development long before this whole PLANdemic. My other "dark spot in my mind" theory is that he is just another Deep Stater and this is all part of their plan. That dark spot grows larger everyday. One thing is for sure: his stance on the injections WILL NOT EVER change. So people need to either accept it, or find a new golden calf.
I believe this was all a plan. I've noticed a direct correlation between the white house and what memos get sent down from corporate. A year before the pandemic there was a lot of movement In people and titles going on at the top of the corporate chain I work in. On December 16 2019 I texted one of my bosses that I saw a public service announcement reminded guys they need to sign up for selective service within 30 days of their 18th bday. That public service announcement triggered my elementary, middle school and highschool education of WW2 they spent years instilling on me.
Think about it -
80% of Trump supporters didn’t take the Vax to begin with … 50% of the independents took the Vax… 100% of the anti-Trump, leftards took and keep taking the Vax (PO: anyone who takes the shot now - after all the published injuries / well yer an idiot)
So who is Trump really talking to when he promotes the Vax? It’s not as if people haven’t made up their minds regarding the shot?
The only ones deciding anything are the idiots who are already Vaxxed - deciding - should I get the booster? Others do it blindly… this whole thing will boomerang / the people will realize they’ve been suckered - My hope is we attack our enemy - the MSM and run them into exile; rise up in unified masses to burn their studios and publishing houses to the ground, never to hear their Clown controlled propaganda ever again…. I know dramatic - but fuck! I’m tired of this shit!
This is my theory as well. I am absolutely sure that PDJT knows the shots are not THE answer to the plandemic and I am just as sure he knows that the people that have not taken them at this point are not going to be coerced in to taking them just because he is the one showing support for them. We've resisted free burgers, donuts, vax-lotteries, free college tuition, free $100, gift card give-aways, (and in many locations) losing our jobs, being denied medical care, entry in to businesses being ostracized and in general have been blamed for all the ills of society. Trump has to know that his words will not convince the un-jabbed to finally give in and take it - he is preaching to a choir that we are not part of and it is all for optics so he can act just as disgusted by the corruption as we are once the truth comes out.
Is it possible the Trump we are seeing is a body double?
And President Trump is not complicit.
There's a video which has somehow managed to survive on youtube without being cancelled. Have lost the URL but someone got the VAERS database of adverse vaccine reports and turned it into a pivot table. Assuming that it is not some sort of larp the data clearly shows that the dangers are batch dependent. Roughly one in 200 batches produces a huge number of adverse reports but the others don't and nothing bad happens.
So maybe Trump is literally correct that the vaccine is fine and does "something good", except some bad actor is sabotaging it to generate killer batches and horror stories which make sensible people avoid it.
It’s also important to understand, given where we are, that Trump is not Q .... The team behind Q existed before Trump and Trump was recruited to the Q team plan.... from Q’s own posts We know that......
We have to consider at the least, the possibility that not everything from Trump is nothing more than his own opinion and is not part of the plan.....
We easily forget that Trump is still no more than a senior chess piece on the board that The Q is playing....
President Trump is by far the best President I ever had in my lifetime!
I believe he is speaking to both sides of the fence about free choice.
You have free choice. Get the the thing if you choose....or choose not to. The repercussions are well known if you do (only to those who are redpilled )...and the threats that are directed at those of us who don't.
He's not going to alienate his supporters who were forced or choose to get it to save their jobs in order to support themselves or their families. Anyone still dumb enough to get it by now are those sheep still asleep and who are still controlled by fear and ignorance.
Another is it possible I just thought of is, is it possible he sacrificed himself to this vaccine knowing these criminals are trying to play God and these criminals are so scared of us because we are connected on God level while they had to manufacture their mass connectivity and that Trump himself is injected with the nano bots and it's all playing the same tune in their heads?
He said "vaccine," not "shot." By the new definition, ivermectin and the other remedies are vaccines. Trump is using a new tactic, and people are starting to catch on to it. Watch this video:
It's 100% coordinated. All the sudden POTUS is praising the vaccines and pushing for them. Meanwhile, Biden and friends are praising Trump for making them available.
The big question is, when the media turns on the vaccines and puts blame on Trump, what is Trumps strategy to deflect this?
Will be interesting to watch this play out.