The farther you go back in his catalog the more I cringe at the things he said. He seems like a great guy. But knowing now how completely off and inaccurate he has always been, I can’t take anything he says seriously. If he says it I’m pretty certain it’s not going to happen. I mean sure he avoids making direct predictions, because he’s hedging his bets, but we’re not stupid. You can’t bring up scenario after scenario after scenario that never happened and expect me to still listen because literally your entire broadcast will be things that will turn out not to be true. That’s track record. Still, it’s nice for a shot of hope every now and then, I guess, and he’s pleasant to listen to.
Alex Jones hasn’t always been inaccurate. In the early 2000s, he led people on the street chanting “9/11 was an inside job”. That was earlier than many truthers and helped pave the way for mucho awakening.
Agreed. I have often thought about this and why he was allowed to point out 9/11 and get away with it if he is intel... but look back at what he said... that the US govt was behind it all. When really it was probably a Mossad operation Israel and thats who we now think he is working for. So yeah seems like he was there to catch up all those who figured it out and direct them toward the wrong badguys.
Also, go watch some old Bill Hicks and old Alex Jones back to back and tell me they arent the same guy. I mean they have the same best friend and agent in austin, and BH ‘died early of pancreatic cancer’ just before AJ got famous. Looks like they offered Bill a well paying gig.
The farther you go back in his catalog the more I cringe at the things he said. He seems like a great guy. But knowing now how completely off and inaccurate he has always been, I can’t take anything he says seriously. If he says it I’m pretty certain it’s not going to happen. I mean sure he avoids making direct predictions, because he’s hedging his bets, but we’re not stupid. You can’t bring up scenario after scenario after scenario that never happened and expect me to still listen because literally your entire broadcast will be things that will turn out not to be true. That’s track record. Still, it’s nice for a shot of hope every now and then, I guess, and he’s pleasant to listen to.
Alex Jones hasn’t always been inaccurate. In the early 2000s, he led people on the street chanting “9/11 was an inside job”. That was earlier than many truthers and helped pave the way for mucho awakening.
Agreed. I have often thought about this and why he was allowed to point out 9/11 and get away with it if he is intel... but look back at what he said... that the US govt was behind it all. When really it was probably a Mossad operation Israel and thats who we now think he is working for. So yeah seems like he was there to catch up all those who figured it out and direct them toward the wrong badguys.
Also, go watch some old Bill Hicks and old Alex Jones back to back and tell me they arent the same guy. I mean they have the same best friend and agent in austin, and BH ‘died early of pancreatic cancer’ just before AJ got famous. Looks like they offered Bill a well paying gig.