LOL. Way to show you failed to understand the purpose for the hospital ships. They weren't assigned (or provisioned) to provide support for patients with COVID. They were sent to provide services for NON-COVID patients so that local area hospitals could focus on COVID patient care.
That the hospital ships remained relatively unused is a testament to area hospitals, not the lack of need. Your statement is a testament to your (and others who think the same) lack of critical thinking, your abject inability to discern the difference between the ACTUAL mission assigned and the false narrative you've been fed.
Fauci and the rest of those fucktards engineered this virus and it got out whether intentionally or unintentionally doesn't matter. Now they want to charge us for a fuking bullshit vaccine for this virus that they unleashed on us. No fuking way never dude. You go right ahead and line up for that shit but Im not playing their games. Fuck them for life.
Sorry. That one was a plandemic too.
This was fake I'm afraid. They got everyone to mask. Bacterial infection from masks killed tons of people.
Fake news ain’t new
I think that is why Trump keeps saying 1917- the 1918 beds filled of people were likely after 'scientific intervention'.
That's not a real pandemic. A real pandemic is when you have bodies piled up in the streets because the incinerator can't burn bodies fast enough.
These people were all vaxxed too.
Don’t forget the empty Navy hospital ships.
LOL. Way to show you failed to understand the purpose for the hospital ships. They weren't assigned (or provisioned) to provide support for patients with COVID. They were sent to provide services for NON-COVID patients so that local area hospitals could focus on COVID patient care.
That the hospital ships remained relatively unused is a testament to area hospitals, not the lack of need. Your statement is a testament to your (and others who think the same) lack of critical thinking, your abject inability to discern the difference between the ACTUAL mission assigned and the false narrative you've been fed.
Exactly. There was no crowding or overrunning of the hospitals thus no real pandemic. Happy New Year!
the vaxx made this worse too back then
Fauci and the rest of those fucktards engineered this virus and it got out whether intentionally or unintentionally doesn't matter. Now they want to charge us for a fuking bullshit vaccine for this virus that they unleashed on us. No fuking way never dude. You go right ahead and line up for that shit but Im not playing their games. Fuck them for life.
And here we have a Vaccine generated Plandemic. Hmmm, sounds familiar.....
Plus, it only lasted a year and a half.
Not forever, like the common flu.