is the Oklahoma guy that takes Fenbenzadole every day after it saved his life.
Cannabis flower oil cures skin cancer in less than 30 days. 60 grams of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) has cured stage IV cancers in two months.
DMSO is said to fight cancer being organic sulfur.. along with Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine removes parasites.
For folks interesting in the medical properties of plants, this catalog is amazing because it tells you the medicinal and historic uses of many wild botanicals, grow you own medicinals:
Guy i know said he cured 2 people of cancer by giving them homemade weed oil concentrate to eat massive doses daily for months. Both got better with no other treatment. They were incredibly stoned all day every day. is the Oklahoma guy that takes Fenbenzadole every day after it saved his life.
Cannabis flower oil cures skin cancer in less than 30 days. 60 grams of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) has cured stage IV cancers in two months.
DMSO is said to fight cancer being organic sulfur.. along with Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine removes parasites.
For folks interesting in the medical properties of plants, this catalog is amazing because it tells you the medicinal and historic uses of many wild botanicals, grow you own medicinals:
Guy i know said he cured 2 people of cancer by giving them homemade weed oil concentrate to eat massive doses daily for months. Both got better with no other treatment. They were incredibly stoned all day every day.
Light weights
Sweeet…thanks! ☝🏼
Pine gum spirits
Thank you!