On liberal forums I monitor, one extremely common pattern is schadenfreude as small fish conservative talk radio people get COVID. It's completely unreported here but it was happening so often that I wondered if they were being offed or arrested, and getting COVID was the cover?
No one here seems to be aware of it, but perhaps they were lower grade disinfo, of maybe aimed specifically at evangelicals? Maybe AJ is being arrested and that's why his wife freaked out?
Evangelicals are definitely a target. In Ohio, a Senate candidate is running his campaign almost entirely through Evangelical churches. He is Jewish. No coincidences.
On liberal forums I monitor, one extremely common pattern is schadenfreude as small fish conservative talk radio people get COVID. It's completely unreported here but it was happening so often that I wondered if they were being offed or arrested, and getting COVID was the cover?
No one here seems to be aware of it, but perhaps they were lower grade disinfo, of maybe aimed specifically at evangelicals? Maybe AJ is being arrested and that's why his wife freaked out?
Getting “COVID”
Evangelicals are definitely a target. In Ohio, a Senate candidate is running his campaign almost entirely through Evangelical churches. He is Jewish. No coincidences.
Got a name on this guy? I have a friend running for congress in Ohio. I want to give him a heads up and do some digging myself.
Josh Mandel. Fake, phony, puppet.
Mark Pukita is the only qualified candidate.
Crazy I just ran into him yesterday on Twitter because someone was calling him out.