501 Maxwell found GUILTY of 5 of 6 counts (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by captn_crunch 3 years ago by captn_crunch +501 / -0 191 comments download share 191 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Hillary for Prison
If only she was not dead. I wish that HRC and Adam Schiff were both alive to be tortured at this very moment. Death is too kind an outcome for them, and too quick.
Get off the Real Raw News ; it's fake. Hilary wasn't hanged in April. Believing and spreading stuff like that gives them more ammo against us.
My view is not based upon anything reported by RRN. Thanks Friend!
If she is dead, she is in the lake of fire and will be there for all eternity. As evil as she may be, this is not a fate I wish upon anyone.