There are people here who have Jew hate on the brain and will never question their own flimsy logic over it. They could rationally argue all day that a few bad cops doesn't mean cops are bad, then refuse to apply the same logic to an entire culture.
From my understanding, it's not Jews that are evil. It's actually Satanists hiding behind Judaism. As Judaism is the most protected religion bc of the widely accepted current understanding of the history of the Holocaust. It's the perfect cover for the most evil, heinous, vile humans of this planet.
For not assimilating, which has been a challenge for Jews going back centuries. But they can't be accused of that in Germany. They volunteered to fight for Germany in WW1.
There are people here who have Jew hate on the brain and will never question their own flimsy logic over it. They could rationally argue all day that a few bad cops doesn't mean cops are bad, then refuse to apply the same logic to an entire culture.
From my understanding, it's not Jews that are evil. It's actually Satanists hiding behind Judaism. As Judaism is the most protected religion bc of the widely accepted current understanding of the history of the Holocaust. It's the perfect cover for the most evil, heinous, vile humans of this planet.
Why would a whole people get exiled from 100 countries?
For fuxing children.
For not assimilating, which has been a challenge for Jews going back centuries. But they can't be accused of that in Germany. They volunteered to fight for Germany in WW1.