But today, the government are treating Aboriginal people in the NT like cattle.
Any Aboriginal person in the NT that is a close contact must go to the government quarantine facility against their will. The authorities don't think they'll stay at home so they don't have the same rights to isolate at home as non-Aboriginal people do.
Any positive COVID test lands Aboriginal people into a forced hospital stay. Again, because they "can't be trusted" like the rest of us in the NT, Australia.
Authorities are force vaccinating longrassers (Mostly Aboriginal people sleeping rough in Darwin and Alice Springs. They aren't homeless, they've come in from their homes in remote communities and they'd prefer to sleep under a tree than pay for accommodation.)
They say it's voluntary, but the health authorities injecting them have an armed police escort. For people who are already wary of police, what option do they have? Besides, they are literally offered cash to get the injection. So much for informed consent.
I said elsewhere, I don't agree with everything these people are arguing, but they don't completely agree with me either so who am I to judge. They've helped me, a white man, in the past and I will do anything for David Cole and his mob.
They are good people.
And much respect to Uncle Jimmy, one of the oldest Aboriginal law men in the NT and Australia. He's one of the quietest and most softly spoken men you'll ever meet, but the words that he says can cut right through to your spirit! Not kidding!
Tyranny works this way. They first go after the most vulnerable and society's outcasts. This is not me inferring this either. I am certain though the evil that is pushing this tyranny view the aborigines this way. And if the aborigines are abused and genocide occurs while there's little public outcry and backlash, the despots in power will only be emboldened to expand their tyranny to more and more people.
Should anyone be surprised that this full-force of tyranny is directed first at the aborigines?
Look, these evil bastards have been going after the mentally disabled and orphaned children for scores of years. They can't help themselves. It's time for everyone to remove these sick bastards from their positions of authority and try them for their crimes against humanity. It's only going to get worse until they are all removed. So, its time to start crackin'. In those massive protests name the despots and demand they be removed and tried for their crimes. And don't allow a substitute despot replace them. The entire government must be removed.
Should anyone be surprised that this full-force of tyranny is directed first at the aborigines?
It's because we're told we need to protect them and it's for their own good, even if they don't realise it. It's crazy how many well intentioned people support this tyranny.
..." because we're told we need to protect them and it's for their own good,..."
Quite right. Governments love to say this about the mentally disabled and children. And it always turns out the same way with massive abuses and human right violations. It's just a matter of time when it comes out in the open. I recall reading somewhere orphaned children living in foster care are more than three times more likely to die in foster care than other children are.
It **always" ends up this way. This is why government can never be trusted. And the smaller the government, the less chance they will attempt the very thing we are witnessing with the aborigines. Government is a ship of absolute force. Who is in control of the wheel house? That's the question that is never really answered. We're told what to think in this department through the MSM.... a bunch of lying perverts made to appear like somehow we know as our friend. The answer is obvious. These people are strangers and a stranger is never to be trusted. 99.99% of the public does not know who these politicians are. Never trust a stranger. Never give a loaded gun to a stranger. This is what occurs when government is allowed to provide 'protection' for the vulnerable.
They erase peoples who have a history..and not the one they want everyone to believe. Australia corporation has to be bankrupt as every other country is...I read the Queen AnneX ed Australia unlawfully anyway into commonwealth and it wasn't legal...the aboriginal people are the ones who own Australia and they should throw these government people off their land. Governments everywhere are the enemies of the people..they are controlled. these filth the Satanists like Rockefeller Rothschilds the Kazarian families..Mafia gangsters who have infiltrated everywhere.
But the armed police escorts must live in the community..why don't they go and speak to the wives of these men? Show them their vulnerability...and find out if they know what they are doing is wrong?
They might be from the community, and may not be? The brain-wash is deep in Australia as we’ve seen plus the racism towards the Indigenous is fairly harsh. It would be great if the police sided with the people but with Quarantine Camps in use I have my doubts there. The Australians are in a bad way imo. I’d love to hear more from the Aussies on this?
It's a long and complex story.
But today, the government are treating Aboriginal people in the NT like cattle.
Any Aboriginal person in the NT that is a close contact must go to the government quarantine facility against their will. The authorities don't think they'll stay at home so they don't have the same rights to isolate at home as non-Aboriginal people do.
Any positive COVID test lands Aboriginal people into a forced hospital stay. Again, because they "can't be trusted" like the rest of us in the NT, Australia.
Authorities are force vaccinating longrassers (Mostly Aboriginal people sleeping rough in Darwin and Alice Springs. They aren't homeless, they've come in from their homes in remote communities and they'd prefer to sleep under a tree than pay for accommodation.)
They say it's voluntary, but the health authorities injecting them have an armed police escort. For people who are already wary of police, what option do they have? Besides, they are literally offered cash to get the injection. So much for informed consent.
I said elsewhere, I don't agree with everything these people are arguing, but they don't completely agree with me either so who am I to judge. They've helped me, a white man, in the past and I will do anything for David Cole and his mob.
They are good people.
And much respect to Uncle Jimmy, one of the oldest Aboriginal law men in the NT and Australia. He's one of the quietest and most softly spoken men you'll ever meet, but the words that he says can cut right through to your spirit! Not kidding!
Tyranny works this way. They first go after the most vulnerable and society's outcasts. This is not me inferring this either. I am certain though the evil that is pushing this tyranny view the aborigines this way. And if the aborigines are abused and genocide occurs while there's little public outcry and backlash, the despots in power will only be emboldened to expand their tyranny to more and more people.
Should anyone be surprised that this full-force of tyranny is directed first at the aborigines?
Look, these evil bastards have been going after the mentally disabled and orphaned children for scores of years. They can't help themselves. It's time for everyone to remove these sick bastards from their positions of authority and try them for their crimes against humanity. It's only going to get worse until they are all removed. So, its time to start crackin'. In those massive protests name the despots and demand they be removed and tried for their crimes. And don't allow a substitute despot replace them. The entire government must be removed.
It's because we're told we need to protect them and it's for their own good, even if they don't realise it. It's crazy how many well intentioned people support this tyranny.
The racism of low expectations
Quite right. Governments love to say this about the mentally disabled and children. And it always turns out the same way with massive abuses and human right violations. It's just a matter of time when it comes out in the open. I recall reading somewhere orphaned children living in foster care are more than three times more likely to die in foster care than other children are.
It **always" ends up this way. This is why government can never be trusted. And the smaller the government, the less chance they will attempt the very thing we are witnessing with the aborigines. Government is a ship of absolute force. Who is in control of the wheel house? That's the question that is never really answered. We're told what to think in this department through the MSM.... a bunch of lying perverts made to appear like somehow we know as our friend. The answer is obvious. These people are strangers and a stranger is never to be trusted. 99.99% of the public does not know who these politicians are. Never trust a stranger. Never give a loaded gun to a stranger. This is what occurs when government is allowed to provide 'protection' for the vulnerable.
They erase peoples who have a history..and not the one they want everyone to believe. Australia corporation has to be bankrupt as every other country is...I read the Queen AnneX ed Australia unlawfully anyway into commonwealth and it wasn't legal...the aboriginal people are the ones who own Australia and they should throw these government people off their land. Governments everywhere are the enemies of the people..they are controlled. these filth the Satanists like Rockefeller Rothschilds the Kazarian families..Mafia gangsters who have infiltrated everywhere.
Fuggin COWARDS!! I’d LOVE to see those pigs get disarmed.
But the armed police escorts must live in the community..why don't they go and speak to the wives of these men? Show them their vulnerability...and find out if they know what they are doing is wrong?
They might be from the community, and may not be? The brain-wash is deep in Australia as we’ve seen plus the racism towards the Indigenous is fairly harsh. It would be great if the police sided with the people but with Quarantine Camps in use I have my doubts there. The Australians are in a bad way imo. I’d love to hear more from the Aussies on this?