I had a dry New Years, so I was reading a few posts about Project Blue Beam this past evening and thought these monoliths appearing across the world might have something to do with it.
I hope your New Year finds you in a state eager to analyze, because this is a "connect the goddamn dots" post. Don't read without your daily coffee.
2021 articles about monoliths:
-- Artnet Article https://news.artnet.com/art-world/new-monolith-still-appearing-1945207
-- News18 article https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/remember-the-monoliths-that-kept-appearing-out-of-nowhere-we-crack-the-mystery-here-4307507.html
Track the monoliths here: https://monolithtracker.com/
The latest confirmed one was in Australia 3 weeks ago from this writing. So this is definitely still happening.
(Reminds me of that Malta album cover, but I digress)
So while these things have been popping up lately, we have this going on:
-- NASA Hires Top Priest To Prepare Humanity for Major ‘Life-Changing’ Announcement https://greatawakening.win/p/140vjgaxLJ/nasa-hires-top-priest-to-prepare/c/
It was quite a popular post, which prompted me to dig deeper:
-- Similar article in The NY Post: https://nypost.com/2021/12/27/nasa-hired-24-theologians-to-study-reaction-to-aliens-book/
The take away here is since 2014, you and I are paying the Center of Theological Inquiry (CTI) $1.1 million dollars through the NASA Astrobiology program "to study worshippers' interest in and openness to scientific inquiry".
-- Who the Hell is CTI? https://www.ctinquiry.org/
CTI brings the global conversation directly to you. Watch and engage in these three conversations considering the contribution of theology and faith communities in meeting the UN's goals on tackling climate change.
ಠ_ಠ -{ Son of a bitch.
We are in the midst of a five-year Inquiry on Religion & Global Issues, running a series of research workshops on five linked concerns: migration, violence, economic inequality, the built and natural environments
Typical Great Re-shet topics. We're going to need a bigger shovel. Those reports need a dig on its own.
What did they call that Australian monolith again?
Australia Climate Change "Black Box"
Back to the Post article:
Davison’s upcoming book, “Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine,” due out in 2022, according to the Times, will cover part of CTI and NASA’s joint spiritual exploration, in which his “most significant question” is how theologians would respond to the notion “of there having been many incarnations [of Christ]” in the universe
They're going for the philosopher and theologian angle. Expect to hear about this crap in church and on reddit.
-- Now here's another interesting take away from the Scientific American article which references a few different studies (worth a read):
those who report low levels of religious belief but high desire for meaning in life show greater belief in Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Ok, so expect movie stars, tv shows, and social influencers to talk about this too... (Colbert, Kimmel, etc)
Mix this with Facebook / Meta's interest on VR religious experiences. Are you starting to smell where this is going? Keep an eye on Davidson's book for the upcoming playbook.
-- According to a similar article on The Hill:
NASA was not directly involved in the selection of researchers for the study.
So who tf was? Maybe a Klaush Schwab stooge? More digging will be necessary.
A few anons mentioned Project Blue Beam recently.
Project Blue Beam info: https://exposingmedicaltyranny.wordpress.com/2021/09/17/1608/ (Scroll a little bit on mobile past the images)
TLDR - Government plan to project the second coming across the sky using holograms. DONT SKIP THIS It's easy to read and there's pictures. __
Sourced from GAW post
Can't be complete without predictive programming:
2001: Space Odyssey, black monolith https://youtu.be/cHWs3c3YNs4
Wikipedia - 2001: Space Oddyssey - Monolith interpretations
The novel explicitly identifies the monolith as a tool created by an alien race that has been through many stages of evolution, moving from organic form to biomechanical, and finally achieving a state of pure energy. These aliens travel the cosmos assisting lesser species to take evolutionary steps.
Well this certainly fits in with Project Blue Beam, doesnt it?
Can't be complete without occult references either.
Saturn worship!? You shouldn't be surprised. https://superaffordablellc.com/saturn-worship-the-black-cube/
Read Nathan-Ds first comment. It links Saturn to the 2001: Space Odyssey monolith https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1298424/pg1
Wait, what did they call that Australian monolith again?
Australia Climate Change "Black Box"
(눈‸눈) -{ Can't be any more obvious.
Reminds me of Jim Henson's The Cube. I'll have to dig it up out of my old Demonoid files and rewatch it. (I honestly think I made a VCD of it and ran it on Dreamcast. O_o Don't ask.)
Saturn worship itself is a deep rabbit hole, and essential to the Cabal. Maybe our good fren u/Zeitreise has some good infographs on the subject (since he's been on fire lately!) No pressure, sir. I just admire your work.
So mixing the concept of Saturn cubes and monoliths got me thinking about this:
5G Technologies hiding in plain site. https://interestingengineering.com/the-weird-world-of-hiding-5g-technologies-in-plain-sight
Why hide the 5G towers? I've never heard anyone complain about the sight of a cell phone tower. It's been pretty commonplace in our modern world. People are used to it.
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." - Proverbs 28:1
Sounds like they're 'fleeing while no man pursueth'.
Thanks to u/DrMcCoy for showing me these pictures on his informative 5G post
Call me crazy, but I think they're going to hide 5G tech in these monoliths to broadcast Project Blue Beam, and eventually they will power the Metaverse. Or maybe simply hide the tech in nature to work alongside the monoliths in someway yet undiscovered. The monoliths will be something we should keep an eye on in 2022.
Maybe theres something deeper I haven't decoded, but that's where my brain is taking me.
Speaking of, did anyone grow up playing Xenogears or Xenosaga? What did the Zohar and the Zohar emulators do? 😎
I thought this wasn't a fringe conspiracy site?? Wait. This is straight up Great Awakening material. This post has nothing really to do with aliens and whether they exist or whatever, just like the vaccine isn't a 'vaccine,' and the "Great Re-shet" (lel) isn't "great" for anyone. The pandemic psyop is almost dead. This is about what's currently being prepped and loaded for the next cabal psyop.
No fake holograms. No real space aliens. No slamming your fist because the Dreamcast won't play VCDs on DVD-R+ discs. Just more bullshit. And, as usual, we'll be ahead of the curve, and a major part of the reason their plans will fail, AGAIN (and hopefully faster and with less loss of life this time). Because WE ARE THE NEWS.
EDIT - Dark Journalist just covered something like this as well.
Man, this one's going to be a real hoot!
OMG this is exactly the scene I meant.
Frog award 🐸🥇
Meh. Disagree.
442 23-Dec-2017 1:53:22 AM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo 8ch/cbts
Thanks for the DJ mention.
Dude does some SOLID work
Hory Shet!
Now that the Plandemic has failed, the Dark Hats are left with two more options. One, the (HAARP-Greta powered) Climate Change agenda, which is their 'Plan B', so to speak. It is their last shot at imposing restrictions on everyone globally and attempting to control all money, transactions, travel etc. to get to their NWO wet dream. Unfortunately, they no longer have the RESOURCES required to pull that off as most of their Weather Wizardry Weaponry (Alliterations Assemble!!!) is currently in the hands of the White Hats. They'll still TRY their level best with what they still got of course, so expect extra-chilly winters and extra-steamy summers in some places in the times ahead, but that is not going to do much and it sure as HELL not going to last much longer.
Their (currently) Plan C is Project Blue Beam. It's just not going to be happen, I've even heard some NORMIES discuss it (because they consider it a "conspiracy theory"). Should it be even as much as ATTEMPTED of course, will be an IMMEDIATE nail in the coffin for the Dark Hats. Because, let's just say, there's bigger fish in the sea watching out for us (humans). And I'll leave it at that.
Besides that, there's always Plan D (what was initially Plan A ---> Plan B), which is basically an all-out World War. That, obviously, is not gonna be allowed.
Suffice it to say, Project Bluebeam, much like the rest of their nefarious plans and projects, will FAIL to see the light of the day...or the night, as it stands.
A VERY happy and prosperous New Year to one and all.
The greatest threat to Project Blue Beam is the sheer NUMBERS of people -- awake and asleep alike -- that KNOW about it. And if there's ONE THING that the Darkies hate the most, it's people being AWARE of their top-secret cool techy plans to the point that they simply ain't as good a decent Scare no more. Because IF this turns out to be a poorly executed gag, the next big problem that they'll IMMEDIATELY have to deal with is the entire WORLD asking them the truth about that whole Extraterrestrial phenomenon. And THAT, my frens, is that one thing that they wouldn't want to reveal to humanity till their very Last Breath...because if they do, it IS going to be the very FINAL nail within their coffins ⚰. Cheers!