Bitcoin was created by the deep state to give a false sense of security that cryptos would solve all money problems, right after the GFC when too many sheeple were waking up to Wall Street.
Bitcoin has plenty of problems, but its just a cover to make the smarter sheeple believe there is nothing more nefarious going on. In reality, they dont need Bitcoin to suppress Gold prices. Series of self-sacrificing Cabal banks did it, and they have passed their flame to JP Morgan who is in the process of passing it to BoA. All they do is blatantly break all rules, do naked short selling of paper metals, pay periodic fines, and when things going tough pass the torch to the next Bank.
I’m not convinced by your Bitcoin argument. Many pro-Bitcoin people are very much aware of the nefarious things going on and enthusiastic about “unbanking” themselves
Why would “they” (bankers/DS) introduce something completely new, setting off an entire industry that can potentially unseat the banking cabal in some elaborate control scheme?
Doesn’t make any sense to me.
It would be like poo poooing the entire invention of the internet/web as some genius deep state ploy
The utility of those things are just far to beneficial to the average man and far to detrimental to the supposed elites for it to make sense to me
Bitcoin is a bait. Its a technology that dangles the freedoms right in front of you but can never be used as a replacement to the fiat system or even as a replacement to gold/silver backed currency for multiple reasons:
Its power intensive. The more you use it, the more expensive the transactions become.
It just cannot scale in terms of number of transactions per second.
It is manipulable. Whoever controls 51% of the nodes controls the network. All it takes is tons of money to take control of the system. There are many people who believe that between CCP and CIA they already control the network.
It's not quantum proof. I highly suspect that quantum computing technology is far more advanced than we are lead to believe. If this is the case, the crypto-algorithms would be easily breakable, rendering the whole system useless.
Privacy concerns. I wont go into this, because its a whole new can of worms.
Even if you don't agree with 3 & 4 (and you should not - they are possibilities), you cannot ignore 1 & 2.
Since bitcoin cannot be used directly as the "freedom currency" there are multiple DS people pushing it in multiple ways.
Jack Dorsey and his group want to build a "thin proprietary layer" on top of it. Infact, they are pretty clear that this layer will be like the current "Fiat currency on top of Gold" - bringing with it all the evils of the Fiat currency.
The Schwab and the rest of the Great Reset gang want to use an entirely different blockchain - like Monero for instance (again its a bait) - which would be completely under the central banker control.
I would suggest watching a few Catherine Austin Fitts videos, because she breaks down this agenda from a financial perspective really beautifully.
Dont get me wrong - I am not pissing on crypto as such. I am convinced that the future is going to be crypto/blockchain based atleast partially.
I am also convinced that if Bitcoin could have been used it would indeed have been the freedom currency, but the way it was created its just not viable.
When the new crypto system gets adapted, people of the world need to be very vigilant and need to ensure that it cannot be centrally controlled, ever.
You raise some interesting points. Some of them are correct too but a few of them require you to make a few big assumptions which is where I disagree
Power Intensive
Claiming something is bad for the environment is a trick the globalists use to try to trick people into willingly giving up something they don’t like us doing. Eating meat, driving cars or having a currency that they cannot print more of to keep you enslaved to their system of control.
As you would know, there’s a great deal of things out there that already use significantly power than Bitcoin blockchain (eg. Banking network) but no one complains about them and uses it as an argument against them. Why? Because Bitcoin is a threat to the globalist cabal.
I’m of the opinion that on the Power argument, Bitcoin may actually usher in a new era of energy production. It provides a significant financial incentive to invest in and research ways to discover a plentiful source of power.
For solving scale, things like the lightning network offer a potential solution. Personally, I think the thing most people get wrong is thinking of Bitcoin as digital currency. If you ask me, I think of it more as digital land. In the sense that you COULD transfer land in exchange of payment but it’s kinda costly
There is hundreds of billions of dollars at stake. There’s a financial incentive for a lot of people to try to gain control of the network. But that is actually a feature, not a bug as it incentivises people, corporations and now (with El Salvador) governments to commit resources into fending off any attack like that. An attack like that at this point is kind of like chasing the horizon. On the surface it looks totally doable, in practice, I’m not so sure.
** Quantum **
This is a turn the world on its head kind of scenario with ramifications extending to pretty much everything.
My only counter to this point are:
(1) if this tech was advanced and available, it would mean there’d be a bunch of people who have experience building it and maintaining it. Wouldn’t one of those people be tempted to use the knowledge they have to get an edge?
(2) wouldn’t that kind of attack/cheating be profoundly obvious? And wouldn’t the solution for triaging after the fact to just be to establish consensus for the point in time just before the attack and work from there?
Yeah. Can this not be solved by just being a little bit more savvy with wallet handlings?
Thin proprietary layer
Even if they managed to get it to have any traction, the fundamental point is: they won’t be able to get away with hiding just how much magic money they’ve created and it all would have to distill back down into verifiable amounts of Bitcoin. No more “how much is actually in Fort Knox”
I think it’d be shortsighted to throw away solutions on the basis that they don’t actively stop determined actors from setting up a fiat scam on top. Because no matter what is invented there will always be a way for that kind of thing to be done.
But having a system that underpins it with verifiable amounts is a solid enough solution since as history has shown, even if you stop them they’ll work back in
For me the absolute strongest case for “why Bitcoin” is that it was first. I know it’s not particularly intellectual but my reason is: when Bitcoin first came onto the scene no one knew what it was or what it could be. It was innocent.
Anything that comes after has lost its innocence because it’s tainted by human greed.
Claiming something is bad for the environment is a trick the globalists use to try to trick people into willingly giving up something they don’t like us doing
I had to go back to my post to see if I perhaps gave the impression that I was raising environmental concern, because it was surprising to find you arguing against this. And no, I never said any of that, so not clear why you would bring it up. Just to recap what I said:
The more you use it, the more expensive the transactions become.
Yep - one line that clearly specifies my concern and it ain't environment.
Moving on ...
As you would know, there’s a great deal of things out there that already use significantly power than Bitcoin blockchain (eg. Banking network)
No, I don't know this. Do you? Banking networks use transactional model, so you can process thousands of transactions with simple computation that does validation, error checking and database updates. Bitcoin by design uses very expensive computation for each transaction, because that was the innovation - distributed consensus using "Proof of Work"
Bitcoin may actually usher in a new era of energy production
You will have to back this up with some theory about how this might happen.
Just keep in mind that the scarcity in Bitcoin is not based on any factor by rather computational power. The amount of bitcoins is not based on the natural resources, or hard assets backing the currency or productivity growth, labour or any of the other valid economic factors that should be reflected by a country's currency.
If there is a discovery of new resources, there is no way to increase the bitcoin supply. If there is a boom in population and corresponding productivity growth, that cannot be used to increase the bitcoin supply.
The only way to use Bitcoin as a world currency is by building something on top of that.
The moment you do it, it's not Bitcoin. You might as well start with something fresh thats designed for the exact purpose of replacing the fiat currency.
For solving scale, things like the lightning network offer a potential solution.
You think that media bashing Bitcoin is enough to make you think Globalists are trying to suppress it, but then you repeat the very solutions that Globalists are dangling in front of us.
There is hundreds of billions of dollars at stake. There’s a financial incentive for a lot of people to try to gain control of the network.
Federal Reserve Bank was created by a group of people who met in secret and by a Congress that passed it before Christmas. Now Fed has a balance sheet of 9 trillion dollars. They have been responsible for controlling more than 150 trillion dollars in the last 98 years. Would you say that is a good financial incentive for a lot of people to try to gain control of that? Would you say it has worked?
The way Cabal works is they take the big cheese and they drop the crumbs. The folks who you believe would act as checks and balances just gobble up the crumbs and say "yes master, can I have more?"
This is why the Ayn Rand's philosophy of capitalism where everyone looking for their own profit would keep the whole system honest breaks down. Greedy people group together and share the profits according to their hierarchy and screw the rest of is.
they won’t be able to get away with hiding just how much magic money they’ve created and it all would have to distill back down into verifiable amounts of Bitcoin. No more “how much is actually in Fort Knox”
Again, you are not learning from the past. The moment you give them control they will find ways to abuse that control and make sure people wont ask for transparency. The only way to have transparency is if it was built in to the system from day one and every single person has access to the blockchain that includes all the information needed for the transparency. Any other way will simply get subverted one way or another.
Bitcoin would do that, only if its used without any other layers on top of that. But Bitcoin is simply not designed for that purpose.
I understand the feeling that Bitcoin is like Gold and having a piece of that Gold we might be in a better position if it becomes widely accepted. I have my eggs in multiple baskets including Bitcoin and Ripple and a bunch of other stuff. However, I would not want a system that is 100% suited for this purpose and that is 100% secure because we cannot afford for our grandkids to go through another ordeal like we are. There is no room for uncertainty here.
I am not going to try and convince you why everything you hear about Bitcoin becoming the world currency is full of holes, and its just not suited for that purpose. You are free to believe what you want, but hopefully you will look at it with more skepticism and try and convince yourself there are no loopholes here.
The only way for this to work is if each community / state / region is able to create their own crypto - whatever is acceptable to the members of that community, and backed by the assets of that community, and a system where all these various community currencies can be exchanged on a free market in a transparent way. That is the ONLY way we will be free from the Bankers' clutches. Any centralised system will get subverted because they know more about money than us. They have had millenia of headstart and they have done innumerable experiments on us to understand how currency can be used to manipulate us exactly the way they want.
Is that why the right hand of the deep state, the mainstream media, big banks and legacy finance have done nothing but bash bitcoin and say its going to 0 for the past 10 years? Crypto is a part of technology in the future, bitcoin will be a store of value for years to come. Start researching these technologies and see how they can change our lives for the better including securing election systems. The conspiracy junk on bitcoin and crypto is getting old. Sounds like some 80 year old in 1996 saying the internet is a conspiracy and evil. Just like any new tech there will be those who use it for good and bad.
I know people get emotional about Bitcoin, but I have put down the reasoning behind my thinking:
please do read it and I am happy to debate it based on evidence, but I will ignore any emotional arguments.
Is that why the right hand of the deep state, the mainstream media, big banks and legacy finance have done nothing but bash bitcoin and say its going to 0 for the past 10 years?
The "bashing" by the deep state is not monolithic. It follows the same method they do everything. Originally it was a niche tech area that was not covered by main stream in any meaningful way. This allowed this tech area to develop amongst the techies and early adaptors.
A few years ago mainstream started covering it, but in a very organic fashion. Tech journals would talk about the wonders of blockchain. More common magazines would "bash" it but also at the same time talk about people who made millions. Then there were high profile people who would praise it. They then constantly talked about businesses who were accepting bitcoin. Then they started pushing the ETF based on bitcoin, and the bitcoin "exchanges".
If you notice, after the ETF, Tether and the exchanges like coinbase came out the Bitcoin started having far better coverage. Why? Because these 3 areas gave control to the Cabal to manipulate it easily. I highly encourage you to research into each of these three areas and convince yourself that each of them could be used to manipulate the bitcoin price using the same techniques the wall street has perfected.
Now we have very deep deep-state entities, including Jack Dorsey, constantly pushing Bitcoin as the saviour of the financial world.
I encourage you to watch this video to the extent you can stomach it. There are tons of hints there that tells you the real motivation behind this:
I also encourage you to listen to this video, where the interviewer from previous video pretty much spills the guts as to exactly how they will subvert bitcoin.
Sounds like some 80 year old in 1996 saying the internet is a conspiracy and evil.
Think about this. They were right, but not in a black or white way, just like with Bitcoin. It's always about bait and switch.
The only reason Internet was allowed to enter the public space (and pushed hard by the media after bashing it early on) was because they knew that eventually they will be able to gain far more control over people than ever. Its been proven over the past two years right in front of our eyes.
I can even shed a deeper light into how this happened having been right in the middle of this whole thing and I did not even realise at that time that all the tech development was being guided along by a "invisible hand".
Late 90s saw a huge surge in networking startups, following the meteoric rise of Cisco, and later Juniper. There was a proliferation of high speed routers, optical routers, routing protocols etc. Most people remember this period as "dot com bubble", but I can tell you from personal experience that the dotcom was just a side hustle while they built up all the tech they needed to be able to provide high speed connectivity to the whole world.
Next in 2000s companies like NetApp and EMC pushed the storage startup companies, with companies like Data Domain that made billions in a short period of time bringing in a flurry of other storage startups. This allowed them to build up the technologies needed to be able to suck in petabytes of data.
They now had high speed networking and high bandwidth storage, and what do you get when you combine both? Why, Cloud Computing of course. At that time it made no sense why every company was eager to outsource all their data onto someone else's control, but again this was all driven by the same Silicon Valley/VC firms that were the Cabal's puppets for big tech.
At the same time, social media companies started taking off, getting funded and insanely valuated even when they were running huge losses for years.
And that brings us to the 3rd primary component augmenting networking and storage tech. This was the AI tech. With the sudden emergence of deep learning algorithms, companies like Google managed to revolutionise AI (yeah right, they had no help from CIA at all) with in a couple years, where suddenly we went from barely being able to get a self serving menu on a customer service hotline to home assistants that were smarter than their average consumer.
This 3rd piece of the puzzle is what made the heavy-loss companies - not just social media, but even Amazon, Uber, and other P2P companies - highly valuable.
When you company cloud computing (aka get free access to all user data) and deep learning AI you get the ultimate control tool for humanity.
How do you think Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the Big Tech suddenly got the ability to know every deepest thoughts of each person and use it to shape their behaviour and at the same time bring down the censorship hammer on anyone that did not comply with this?
Do you really think it happened organically? No, the invisible hands were guiding this whole development from behind the scenes, via their puppets in Silicon Valley, with atleast a foresight of 30 years in future to bring us exactly here.
Oh and finally, do you know what started this entire development leading up to the current Big Tech? The telecom reforms that Bill Clinton brought about, which at the time made me believe that he was the best president ever!
So yeah, the 80 year old mumbling how Internet was a grand conspiracy was exactly as right as the folks like us screaming about Great Reset and Plandemic etc. Except then it went in their glacial pace which was their greatest protection, whereas now Trump forced it to go at warp speed.
Assuming you are not too advanced in age, in the future you will be using the blockchain in your daily life and in your finances as sure as you are using the internet to have a conversation with me. Prepare accordingly.
Follow the yellow brick road to the green city (dollars) where deception and fear reigns. In the original story her shoes were made of silver, implying that silver will protect you.
Bitcoin was created by the deep state to give a false sense of security that cryptos would solve all money problems, right after the GFC when too many sheeple were waking up to Wall Street.
Bitcoin has plenty of problems, but its just a cover to make the smarter sheeple believe there is nothing more nefarious going on. In reality, they dont need Bitcoin to suppress Gold prices. Series of self-sacrificing Cabal banks did it, and they have passed their flame to JP Morgan who is in the process of passing it to BoA. All they do is blatantly break all rules, do naked short selling of paper metals, pay periodic fines, and when things going tough pass the torch to the next Bank.
Plato's cave has more than one layer, methinks. A cave within a cave within a cave.
Sounds like a good problem for a functional language...
Start hanging the people who run the cave you are currently in...
Go into a deeper cave...
Return from function...
That new Guillotine language sounds promising...
I’m not convinced by your Bitcoin argument. Many pro-Bitcoin people are very much aware of the nefarious things going on and enthusiastic about “unbanking” themselves
Why would “they” (bankers/DS) introduce something completely new, setting off an entire industry that can potentially unseat the banking cabal in some elaborate control scheme?
Doesn’t make any sense to me.
It would be like poo poooing the entire invention of the internet/web as some genius deep state ploy
The utility of those things are just far to beneficial to the average man and far to detrimental to the supposed elites for it to make sense to me
Bitcoin is a bait. Its a technology that dangles the freedoms right in front of you but can never be used as a replacement to the fiat system or even as a replacement to gold/silver backed currency for multiple reasons:
Its power intensive. The more you use it, the more expensive the transactions become.
It just cannot scale in terms of number of transactions per second.
It is manipulable. Whoever controls 51% of the nodes controls the network. All it takes is tons of money to take control of the system. There are many people who believe that between CCP and CIA they already control the network.
It's not quantum proof. I highly suspect that quantum computing technology is far more advanced than we are lead to believe. If this is the case, the crypto-algorithms would be easily breakable, rendering the whole system useless.
Privacy concerns. I wont go into this, because its a whole new can of worms.
Even if you don't agree with 3 & 4 (and you should not - they are possibilities), you cannot ignore 1 & 2.
Since bitcoin cannot be used directly as the "freedom currency" there are multiple DS people pushing it in multiple ways.
Jack Dorsey and his group want to build a "thin proprietary layer" on top of it. Infact, they are pretty clear that this layer will be like the current "Fiat currency on top of Gold" - bringing with it all the evils of the Fiat currency.
The Schwab and the rest of the Great Reset gang want to use an entirely different blockchain - like Monero for instance (again its a bait) - which would be completely under the central banker control.
I would suggest watching a few Catherine Austin Fitts videos, because she breaks down this agenda from a financial perspective really beautifully.
Dont get me wrong - I am not pissing on crypto as such. I am convinced that the future is going to be crypto/blockchain based atleast partially.
I am also convinced that if Bitcoin could have been used it would indeed have been the freedom currency, but the way it was created its just not viable.
When the new crypto system gets adapted, people of the world need to be very vigilant and need to ensure that it cannot be centrally controlled, ever.
You raise some interesting points. Some of them are correct too but a few of them require you to make a few big assumptions which is where I disagree
Power Intensive
Claiming something is bad for the environment is a trick the globalists use to try to trick people into willingly giving up something they don’t like us doing. Eating meat, driving cars or having a currency that they cannot print more of to keep you enslaved to their system of control.
As you would know, there’s a great deal of things out there that already use significantly power than Bitcoin blockchain (eg. Banking network) but no one complains about them and uses it as an argument against them. Why? Because Bitcoin is a threat to the globalist cabal.
I’m of the opinion that on the Power argument, Bitcoin may actually usher in a new era of energy production. It provides a significant financial incentive to invest in and research ways to discover a plentiful source of power.
For solving scale, things like the lightning network offer a potential solution. Personally, I think the thing most people get wrong is thinking of Bitcoin as digital currency. If you ask me, I think of it more as digital land. In the sense that you COULD transfer land in exchange of payment but it’s kinda costly
There is hundreds of billions of dollars at stake. There’s a financial incentive for a lot of people to try to gain control of the network. But that is actually a feature, not a bug as it incentivises people, corporations and now (with El Salvador) governments to commit resources into fending off any attack like that. An attack like that at this point is kind of like chasing the horizon. On the surface it looks totally doable, in practice, I’m not so sure.
** Quantum **
This is a turn the world on its head kind of scenario with ramifications extending to pretty much everything.
My only counter to this point are:
(1) if this tech was advanced and available, it would mean there’d be a bunch of people who have experience building it and maintaining it. Wouldn’t one of those people be tempted to use the knowledge they have to get an edge?
(2) wouldn’t that kind of attack/cheating be profoundly obvious? And wouldn’t the solution for triaging after the fact to just be to establish consensus for the point in time just before the attack and work from there?
Yeah. Can this not be solved by just being a little bit more savvy with wallet handlings?
Thin proprietary layer
Even if they managed to get it to have any traction, the fundamental point is: they won’t be able to get away with hiding just how much magic money they’ve created and it all would have to distill back down into verifiable amounts of Bitcoin. No more “how much is actually in Fort Knox”
I think it’d be shortsighted to throw away solutions on the basis that they don’t actively stop determined actors from setting up a fiat scam on top. Because no matter what is invented there will always be a way for that kind of thing to be done.
But having a system that underpins it with verifiable amounts is a solid enough solution since as history has shown, even if you stop them they’ll work back in
For me the absolute strongest case for “why Bitcoin” is that it was first. I know it’s not particularly intellectual but my reason is: when Bitcoin first came onto the scene no one knew what it was or what it could be. It was innocent.
Anything that comes after has lost its innocence because it’s tainted by human greed.
I had to go back to my post to see if I perhaps gave the impression that I was raising environmental concern, because it was surprising to find you arguing against this. And no, I never said any of that, so not clear why you would bring it up. Just to recap what I said:
Yep - one line that clearly specifies my concern and it ain't environment.
Moving on ...
No, I don't know this. Do you? Banking networks use transactional model, so you can process thousands of transactions with simple computation that does validation, error checking and database updates. Bitcoin by design uses very expensive computation for each transaction, because that was the innovation - distributed consensus using "Proof of Work"
You will have to back this up with some theory about how this might happen.
Just keep in mind that the scarcity in Bitcoin is not based on any factor by rather computational power. The amount of bitcoins is not based on the natural resources, or hard assets backing the currency or productivity growth, labour or any of the other valid economic factors that should be reflected by a country's currency.
If there is a discovery of new resources, there is no way to increase the bitcoin supply. If there is a boom in population and corresponding productivity growth, that cannot be used to increase the bitcoin supply.
The only way to use Bitcoin as a world currency is by building something on top of that.
The moment you do it, it's not Bitcoin. You might as well start with something fresh thats designed for the exact purpose of replacing the fiat currency.
You think that media bashing Bitcoin is enough to make you think Globalists are trying to suppress it, but then you repeat the very solutions that Globalists are dangling in front of us.
Federal Reserve Bank was created by a group of people who met in secret and by a Congress that passed it before Christmas. Now Fed has a balance sheet of 9 trillion dollars. They have been responsible for controlling more than 150 trillion dollars in the last 98 years. Would you say that is a good financial incentive for a lot of people to try to gain control of that? Would you say it has worked?
The way Cabal works is they take the big cheese and they drop the crumbs. The folks who you believe would act as checks and balances just gobble up the crumbs and say "yes master, can I have more?"
This is why the Ayn Rand's philosophy of capitalism where everyone looking for their own profit would keep the whole system honest breaks down. Greedy people group together and share the profits according to their hierarchy and screw the rest of is.
Again, you are not learning from the past. The moment you give them control they will find ways to abuse that control and make sure people wont ask for transparency. The only way to have transparency is if it was built in to the system from day one and every single person has access to the blockchain that includes all the information needed for the transparency. Any other way will simply get subverted one way or another.
Bitcoin would do that, only if its used without any other layers on top of that. But Bitcoin is simply not designed for that purpose.
I understand the feeling that Bitcoin is like Gold and having a piece of that Gold we might be in a better position if it becomes widely accepted. I have my eggs in multiple baskets including Bitcoin and Ripple and a bunch of other stuff. However, I would not want a system that is 100% suited for this purpose and that is 100% secure because we cannot afford for our grandkids to go through another ordeal like we are. There is no room for uncertainty here.
I am not going to try and convince you why everything you hear about Bitcoin becoming the world currency is full of holes, and its just not suited for that purpose. You are free to believe what you want, but hopefully you will look at it with more skepticism and try and convince yourself there are no loopholes here.
The only way for this to work is if each community / state / region is able to create their own crypto - whatever is acceptable to the members of that community, and backed by the assets of that community, and a system where all these various community currencies can be exchanged on a free market in a transparent way. That is the ONLY way we will be free from the Bankers' clutches. Any centralised system will get subverted because they know more about money than us. They have had millenia of headstart and they have done innumerable experiments on us to understand how currency can be used to manipulate us exactly the way they want.
Is that why the right hand of the deep state, the mainstream media, big banks and legacy finance have done nothing but bash bitcoin and say its going to 0 for the past 10 years? Crypto is a part of technology in the future, bitcoin will be a store of value for years to come. Start researching these technologies and see how they can change our lives for the better including securing election systems. The conspiracy junk on bitcoin and crypto is getting old. Sounds like some 80 year old in 1996 saying the internet is a conspiracy and evil. Just like any new tech there will be those who use it for good and bad.
I know people get emotional about Bitcoin, but I have put down the reasoning behind my thinking: please do read it and I am happy to debate it based on evidence, but I will ignore any emotional arguments.
The "bashing" by the deep state is not monolithic. It follows the same method they do everything. Originally it was a niche tech area that was not covered by main stream in any meaningful way. This allowed this tech area to develop amongst the techies and early adaptors.
A few years ago mainstream started covering it, but in a very organic fashion. Tech journals would talk about the wonders of blockchain. More common magazines would "bash" it but also at the same time talk about people who made millions. Then there were high profile people who would praise it. They then constantly talked about businesses who were accepting bitcoin. Then they started pushing the ETF based on bitcoin, and the bitcoin "exchanges".
If you notice, after the ETF, Tether and the exchanges like coinbase came out the Bitcoin started having far better coverage. Why? Because these 3 areas gave control to the Cabal to manipulate it easily. I highly encourage you to research into each of these three areas and convince yourself that each of them could be used to manipulate the bitcoin price using the same techniques the wall street has perfected.
Now we have very deep deep-state entities, including Jack Dorsey, constantly pushing Bitcoin as the saviour of the financial world.
I encourage you to watch this video to the extent you can stomach it. There are tons of hints there that tells you the real motivation behind this:
I also encourage you to listen to this video, where the interviewer from previous video pretty much spills the guts as to exactly how they will subvert bitcoin.
Think about this. They were right, but not in a black or white way, just like with Bitcoin. It's always about bait and switch.
The only reason Internet was allowed to enter the public space (and pushed hard by the media after bashing it early on) was because they knew that eventually they will be able to gain far more control over people than ever. Its been proven over the past two years right in front of our eyes.
I can even shed a deeper light into how this happened having been right in the middle of this whole thing and I did not even realise at that time that all the tech development was being guided along by a "invisible hand".
Late 90s saw a huge surge in networking startups, following the meteoric rise of Cisco, and later Juniper. There was a proliferation of high speed routers, optical routers, routing protocols etc. Most people remember this period as "dot com bubble", but I can tell you from personal experience that the dotcom was just a side hustle while they built up all the tech they needed to be able to provide high speed connectivity to the whole world.
Next in 2000s companies like NetApp and EMC pushed the storage startup companies, with companies like Data Domain that made billions in a short period of time bringing in a flurry of other storage startups. This allowed them to build up the technologies needed to be able to suck in petabytes of data.
They now had high speed networking and high bandwidth storage, and what do you get when you combine both? Why, Cloud Computing of course. At that time it made no sense why every company was eager to outsource all their data onto someone else's control, but again this was all driven by the same Silicon Valley/VC firms that were the Cabal's puppets for big tech.
At the same time, social media companies started taking off, getting funded and insanely valuated even when they were running huge losses for years.
And that brings us to the 3rd primary component augmenting networking and storage tech. This was the AI tech. With the sudden emergence of deep learning algorithms, companies like Google managed to revolutionise AI (yeah right, they had no help from CIA at all) with in a couple years, where suddenly we went from barely being able to get a self serving menu on a customer service hotline to home assistants that were smarter than their average consumer.
This 3rd piece of the puzzle is what made the heavy-loss companies - not just social media, but even Amazon, Uber, and other P2P companies - highly valuable.
When you company cloud computing (aka get free access to all user data) and deep learning AI you get the ultimate control tool for humanity.
How do you think Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the Big Tech suddenly got the ability to know every deepest thoughts of each person and use it to shape their behaviour and at the same time bring down the censorship hammer on anyone that did not comply with this?
Do you really think it happened organically? No, the invisible hands were guiding this whole development from behind the scenes, via their puppets in Silicon Valley, with atleast a foresight of 30 years in future to bring us exactly here.
Oh and finally, do you know what started this entire development leading up to the current Big Tech? The telecom reforms that Bill Clinton brought about, which at the time made me believe that he was the best president ever!
So yeah, the 80 year old mumbling how Internet was a grand conspiracy was exactly as right as the folks like us screaming about Great Reset and Plandemic etc. Except then it went in their glacial pace which was their greatest protection, whereas now Trump forced it to go at warp speed.
Assuming you are not too advanced in age, in the future you will be using the blockchain in your daily life and in your finances as sure as you are using the internet to have a conversation with me. Prepare accordingly.
I own gold and silver and nobody is taking it.
If you don't have physical possession of anything, you do not own it.
Follow the yellow brick road to the green city (dollars) where deception and fear reigns. In the original story her shoes were made of silver, implying that silver will protect you.
too bad I used bitcoin gains to buy gold. backfire
Brass & frens > Gold
Brass + Frens = More Gold
Jokes on you, I got Pokemon cards.
No one came door-to-door to take it, very few stupid people complied and turned theirs in.
Yeah? Fuck that shit.
Warren buffets poor brother