Hillary Clinton Appears To Attack White House, Implies Biden’s Not ‘Stable’ Or ‘Sane’
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Oh, right, forgot. Killary is the expert on everything "Stable" and "Sane"
Damn Hillary looks better with every post. She is reverse aging like Obama bin laden was 🤣🤣
Yep. The have got her on whatever she was on during the campaign with GEOTUS. If nothing else, that makes it clear they'll be weaseling her in as VP soon.
No way that's the real Hillary.
hillary has never given up that she lost only because Trump cheated. She knows she is wrong, she did get the popular vote (if the votes were honest) but Trump won the Electoral College votes and got in. The commies weren't thinking about the voting system in America and hillary went down in flames (conceding, but never giving up). But as we see she is trying to get into the White House ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!
The shit telling the piss it stinks
“But, at the end of the day it means nothing if we don’t have a Congress that’ll get things done and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive,” Clinton said.
This statement troubles me. Let’s say that, hypothetically, this is the real HRC, and also that she finds a way into the White House. Once she’s in, how long until she begins to use her network of assassins to threaten the Congress into passing all the Marxist bills that they shot down in 2021?
I must say, however, that the HRC in this interview looks nothing like the pic of her walking on the beach with Slick Willie.
Looks like George Soros in drag.
100%. She would chew her own leg off to get to the white house.
I wonder if that's a WH tempter, shake a few more panicky donors out of the long grass.
Kamila is a whore and can sense skeevy miles away.