Where did the idea that we would still be on lockdown without the depop shot originate? Was it in a Qdrop I am not aware of? If not who suggested ? It doesn't play out logically to me at second glance so Id love to know the source. I've asked this several times but never so much as a response. I need this info for talking with people I know that are abandoning the movement over Trump promotion of dangerous big pharma injections.. help
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Rockefeller institute case study 2010. On website. " Lockstep ". An epidemic study of when world governments go tyrannical and lockdown society for 10 to 12 years to supposedly wait for a vax. Case study. However, the west has indeed behaved in Lockstep.
Here is the link to the report - https://issuu.com/dueprocesstv/docs/scenario-for_the-future
Scroll over to pages 18-19 - Titled "Scenario Narratives - Lock Step".
In this scenario, the people give up their sovereignty to fight a global pandemic - the world remains locked down until 2026 (from the scenario's theoretical 2012 pandemic start date - 14 years) before people start fighting back... Here's a quote:
Awesome thx
That quote is from the end of the article. It doesn't mention lockdowns. It talks of closed borders, it talks of biometric ID. I appreciate the link but I downloaded the actual document. Here's page 1:
In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers. The pandemic blanketed the planet—though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post- pandemic recovery.
It says the shops were closed for months. That's not a decade lockdown.
So they def did lockstep by the book.
The scenario plays out past page 1... it makes a case for the different approaches by developed and undeveloped countries; but when you read what choices the undeveloped countries make:
It begins to sound like the same choices we (developed nations) are making in real life.... leading to:
In short - The scenario assumes we are not run by irresponsible elites who used their increased power to pursue their own interests at the expense of their citizens.
Yep and praises china's hermetically sealing the country
Additionally - (My thoughts) I think "warp-speed" was meant to have the vax released before the election so they couldn't use the plandemic as an excuse for mail-in voting etc. but pharma held the vax until AFTER Biden stole the election.
Miscalculation on Trump's part to be sure.
To your original point though... I just searched "Trump Vaccine" here in GAW (Edit - I searched all .win communities) and filtered by oldest.
There's some stuff in there that leads me to believe the "lockdown vs. vaccine" argument was organic thought. X22 may have picked up on that here but was posited by many Patriots even a year ago.
Some examples:
And then I found this from a post 8 months ago -
(Nothing below this line is credited to me.)
Credit to OP u/ghost_of_aswartz, best summation of Trumps vaccine problem I've read.
"This is not a post about excuseology, this is a post about fairness. At present, and in the future, you're in charge of your health, until it's mandated and they hold you down. That's when you lose agency over your health, and at that point, it's too late. That's when you're no longer saying "my body my choice" but instead the government is saying the same to you, as it takes you as its property. Let's not get to that point shall we?
Trump was faced with a national problem. Had he not done anything, he would have been blamed for all the deaths.
So blaming him for the vaccine problems is a double bind.
Also, I have many reasons to believe--and you do also--that this virus is a bioweapon. The most compelling evidence for this is the FACT that no researchers have ever isolated a copy of the virus, nor are they GIVEN copies of the virus to the CDC, nor does the CDC have a copy of the virus. This means that the virus either only exists as a hypothetical on paper (as in the digital version of the virus' genome, which shows it's a chimera of several different viruses--including hiv--more evidence it's engineered), OR there are international laws that forbid pharma companies, ministerial agencies, private labs, and the like, to get their hands on a bioweapon.
That is why all these companies are racing to produce a "non-traditional" vaccine.
Another possibility is that these people know that covid is essentially a new form of AIDS (flying AIDS), and that it's permanent, and they don't want to cause a panic. That's why, even though it has very low immediate lethality (99.5-99.95% survival), it does something to you that is horrible and reduces your lifespan or quality of life. Maybe they know it causes parkinsons. Maybe they know it causes CJD (mad cow)?
We don't know. But we DO know there are things that they are NOT telling us.
This means there are things they didn't tell TRUMP also.
Or that Trump knew and, again, was double-binded.
He had to do something. His position makes him 100% in charge of the health and welfare of the people of the united states and he took that role as a sacred charge.
He had no choice but to do Operation Warp Speed.
(he should be though...because these people are more amoral than anyone thought)
He deferred to the 'experts'. You know, people that the left considers a member of the pantheon of the 'gods'. Fauci is a modern-day "hero cult", and the people who worship Fauci are in a kind of mystery school, signalling to others their membership with their shibboleths of this mystery school with the mask, double mask, lysol and face shields...instead of chasing the bull to stab it in the neck in honor of Mithras, they're chasing the unwashed maskless out of stores, stabbing them with accusations of sociopathy, malice, misantrhopy, 'conspiracy theorist'. The blood of the conspiracy theorist has replaced the blood of the sacred bull.
Trump used "experts" so whatever comes of it, it's THEIR social health policy. It's THEIR vaccine, not Trump's
He is not a scientist.
He provided MANY companies funding.
Any ONE vaccine is not his fault. He created a free market among those that were capable, and funded them.
See above. The people who really didn't want the vaccine are in a minority. Most people wanted the vaccine so badly, they were fighting over it. They were bragging about it. They even had to create stories about how white people were getting it first and how we have to give to minorites first. They merchandised it as yet another racebaiting insult to our culture.
BTW, none of these 'vaccines' are actually the traditional definition of "vaccine"...that is why Merriam Webster had to steath-edit their dictionary to include these new gene-therapies into the defintion of vaccine. That is some new world order 1984 level shit, there, Larry.
Usually, traditional vaccines take a long time to develop and that is the alleged justification for putting out experimental new things
The deepstate created the state of emergency and the policies around it. Continuity of Government is invoked, and that is why the FDA and CDC and WHO and other orgs are allowing people to be "experimented on" and "injected with things not yet throughly safety tested"
Trump didn't create this emergency, so he's not at fault. He also didn't set the policy and he was unable to change it, because his administration was 90% against him. Entrenched "experts" in public health policy.
Decades of fascist globalist liberals in our government, who think they know better than you do--in many cases they do but no always--but most of all think that THEY and the CENTRAL GOV has a right to take away your sovereignty and personal agency ("my body my choice"). They think that "my body my choice" is something THEY should be saying to YOU, not the other way around.
They think they own you, and that's the funDamental (or as Biden* would say "funnnamennal") problem with these people. They are FunDamentally, "Slavers" and have a "Slaver" mentality.
Trump doesn't. He's legitimately for freedom. And that is why they needed so desperately to get him OUT.
Bottom line: they broke the safety feedback system with COG. It's been broken for DECADES. We're just now finding it out because of the widespread pandemic.
Yes it was used to make money
Yes it was used as an excuse to oust Trump from office, not just by tainting the minds of people in various ways in the media by smearing him over his handling of it, but also because it changed how we voted in absentee; which opened up a widespread ability to confabulate ballots shipped in from China, and then do the late night ballot drops.
The pandemic was utilized to steal the election from the people of the US. That is an irrefutable FACT.
And we are NEVER. EVER. Going to let it go. Not like 9/11 or the other things. This stolen election is the straw that broke the 9/11's and everything leading up to it's BACK.
Trump is coming back. In one form or another.
Trump is part of America now, and you can't take it away.
Say he dies....We will summon him as a mass-consciousness Freedom Egregore and he will haunt all the liberals in their dreams until they end up killing each other like the black people in amazon's new series THEM.
Or the left can just get their minds right, realize they too have been duped, and they can restore the correct events and outcomes of Nov 2020 by removing the incorrect ones and then reconcile."
Good high effort share thank you.
I just read through the 54pg document. It doesn't say there would be 10-12 year lockdowns and doesn't discuss vaccines in any tangible way. Did I read the wrong lockstep document off the Rockefeller website? And it was written in 2009 btw about 2012-2026 regarding a goose flu
hahaha that's right, stfu and pay attention!
Where? Link?
Wow ok so no sauce just anger.
Many are done voting FYI
Plenty of sauce angles to track down here: https://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/AIDS3.html
This off what looks like a 90s conspiracy website and its about aids...thank you
Scroll down...it lists all the various CIA/DoD covert efforts. If you present this evidence, it's not such a stretch to go to covid.
Oh I'm sorry I wasn't clear. Me and my peer group were in HS for 911 so we have been redpilled for many years. We know the bankers are the terrorists. I just wanted to know the source of the "warpspeed saved us from permanent lockdown mantra". It's the counter argument to Trump promoting the depop shot..
Down vote?
Ok thank you!
I show people what’s going on in other countries. Australia is a huge redpill but there are now tons of other countries. They’re loved down. When they say that would never happen here, I hit them with NY videos. We are in a better position, for now BUT if the courts don’t stop the unconstitutional mandates I think it will eventually be up to the people. United we stand, divided we fall. I don’t think we’re close to the precipe, we still have a lot who need to wake up to unite. Omnicron has helped wake many. Trump going against the vax would continue to make it a right v left. People have to be personally effected to wake up
See I don't believe in the waking people up thing. I live in a deep blue state and it's become a cult lifestyle. I view it as the 1984 paradox "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
Many won’t wake up, either too far gone, too much ego, or too dumb. My gauge has been my sister. PhD in poli sci and teaches. For the past five years we couldn’t have a conversation about politics. This past month, we’ve been able to discuss and she has agreed with me on more points than I ever would have thought possible. I also live in deep blue and omnicron has opened many eyes. People are waking up, slowly or least beginning to question the narrative