74 Trumps statement regarding the cancellation of his J6 presser... Interesting that not only is he drawing attention to the fact that the emails between Nancy and the DOD exist, but he is also suggesting she may have deleted them. ... continued below... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +75 / -1 19 comments download share 19 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It seems an odd co-incidence that many cinema's had no films showing from 6th-14th Jan, and now Trump is not going on stage on the 6th but is now doing it on the 15th.
Might be nothing, but it bookends those cinema oddities.
Maybe people have to see the film before they hear the speech!
No one will go see that film. Normies have no interest in it. I've asked em.
That's interesting. Maybe they are waiting for reviews.
You're right. That is a very interesting coincidence!
So what could cause both? Some weird astrological alignment? Space aliens arriving? An unexpected shortage of popcorn?
I think the popcorn angle bears some scrutiny, but I'm thinking genetic engineering myself.
edit: kek, I was replying to a different post!