I was told Christmas would be reveling..... not...... 2022 something has to come soon or too many people will give up......they need a Midway victory to keep them going and Midway came directly from the Doolittle raid....and nothing is coming. Ga may be the key.. if someone is talking... but something soon....
"I was told"???? You chose to believe what somebodys guesses. Now youre feeling discouraged because their guess didn't happen. Instead of addressing your problems you now blame others for your problems and want them to fix your problems for you?
I was told Christmas would be reveling..... not...... 2022 something has to come soon or too many people will give up......they need a Midway victory to keep them going and Midway came directly from the Doolittle raid....and nothing is coming. Ga may be the key.. if someone is talking... but something soon....
"I was told"???? You chose to believe what somebodys guesses. Now youre feeling discouraged because their guess didn't happen. Instead of addressing your problems you now blame others for your problems and want them to fix your problems for you?
Perhaps reconsider.