The problem are the braindead libtards that finally get to "manage" people for the first time because they are always the bottomfeeders of any organization. Thus, they feel special for the first time.
Whenever someone asks me to put on a mask, I reply, " are u late to the party or have u not realized these do not work and ur embarrassing yourself with stupidity? Stop it. Stop it right now. Stop"
The third "stop" gets them to think for the first time in their dumbass lives.
The problem are the braindead libtards that finally get to "manage" people for the first time because they are always the bottomfeeders of any organization. Thus, they feel special for the first time.
Whenever someone asks me to put on a mask, I reply, " are u late to the party or have u not realized these do not work and ur embarrassing yourself with stupidity? Stop it. Stop it right now. Stop"
The third "stop" gets them to think for the first time in their dumbass lives.
🤣 are you late to the party
It's because they got trophies just for showing up as kids. They never learn how to excel at anything.