This is a very divisive post and is a great example of the type of attitude that we DON'T need.
I would go so far as to say that if you hold this position you are just as hypnotized as those who take the government's word at face value without asking questions.
People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?
What about the titans who are now strongly speaking out about the inoculation: Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch? All of them got inoculated also but are now risking their lives, livelihoods and fortunes speaking out against the inoculation. Are they also to be cast out into the darkness?
If these very informed people could be fooled into getting the inoculation, are you going to hold it against the common folk who were also duped?
Hopefully OP will just delete this post. It is just the wrong stance to promote.
I agree. Everyone in my circle has taken the jabs because they thought it was in their best interests (and for no other reason), just as I did NOT because I thought it was in MY best interests to not do so. It’s called freedom of choice.
Right or wrong, we all must live with our decisions. Categorizing people as human versus cattle is very shortsighted, at the least.
Anyone or anything that just follows in my experience is "Cattle"...Its Not meant literally of course, but to make a distinction between Free thinking and blindly following make a point...
Whatever it takes...Especially as they think its safe to vax small children because they had their "other" shots before and there's nothing wrong with them now....
This is a very divisive post and is a great example of the type of attitude that we DON'T need.
I would go so far as to say that if you hold this position you are just as hypnotized as those who take the government's word at face value without asking questions.
People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?
What about the titans who are now strongly speaking out about the inoculation: Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch? All of them got inoculated also but are now risking their lives, livelihoods and fortunes speaking out against the inoculation. Are they also to be cast out into the darkness?
If these very informed people could be fooled into getting the inoculation, are you going to hold it against the common folk who were also duped?
Hopefully OP will just delete this post. It is just the wrong stance to promote.
I agree. Everyone in my circle has taken the jabs because they thought it was in their best interests (and for no other reason), just as I did NOT because I thought it was in MY best interests to not do so. It’s called freedom of choice.
Right or wrong, we all must live with our decisions. Categorizing people as human versus cattle is very shortsighted, at the least.
Anyone or anything that just follows in my experience is "Cattle"...Its Not meant literally of course, but to make a distinction between Free thinking and blindly following make a point...
Right, but calling them cattle is a way of shaming them into waking up. I think it is warranted.
Whatever it takes...Especially as they think its safe to vax small children because they had their "other" shots before and there's nothing wrong with them now....