This is a very divisive post and is a great example of the type of attitude that we DON'T need.
I would go so far as to say that if you hold this position you are just as hypnotized as those who take the government's word at face value without asking questions.
People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?
What about the titans who are now strongly speaking out about the inoculation: Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch? All of them got inoculated also but are now risking their lives, livelihoods and fortunes speaking out against the inoculation. Are they also to be cast out into the darkness?
If these very informed people could be fooled into getting the inoculation, are you going to hold it against the common folk who were also duped?
Hopefully OP will just delete this post. It is just the wrong stance to promote.
I agree. Everyone in my circle has taken the jabs because they thought it was in their best interests (and for no other reason), just as I did NOT because I thought it was in MY best interests to not do so. It’s called freedom of choice.
Right or wrong, we all must live with our decisions. Categorizing people as human versus cattle is very shortsighted, at the least.
Yeah but where they scared of Corona or scared of their own government and/or social shaming.
Its important to shame people for very bad decisions, because most people just follow along with the herd and rely on others to set the standards. We have ceded that moral obligation to the political elite and corporate press, do you not see the awful consequences of that?
I honestly do not have a lot of faith / see much probability at all, that someone who is STILL asleep at this point in the game, will EVER be fully awake.
I'm not saying it's not possible....just not probable....
Anyone or anything that just follows in my experience is "Cattle"...Its Not meant literally of course, but to make a distinction between Free thinking and blindly following make a point...
Whatever it takes...Especially as they think its safe to vax small children because they had their "other" shots before and there's nothing wrong with them now....
I have an aquaintence , a VietNam vet, a Ranger captain who led men in battle tell me his rationale: "it is free and the VA offers it to me" I pointed out NOTHING is free and who am I to improve on my God given immunity??? I have noticed a decline in memory-it is sad, I've learned so much only to very likely lose him this winter...
Agree we should caution against saying “these are the people I want nothing to do with” as our mission is unity.
But in context of the post, it’s fair to examine the great divide between those who fell and those who still stand, and those — like McCullough, who rose up.
It matters if you’re hiring someone to lead or manage. It matters when you’re choosing a spouse. It matters if you want to send your kids to school vs indoctrination. And regarding elected/appointed officials, it’s a matter of life and death.
"People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?"
Zero. Not even a little. They should have known they were being lied to long before this point. It's their fault for being blind.
Right, and when we tried to share vital information regarding the clot shot they laughed and or got angry with us. That right there is why I’m having trouble just letting it go. They get mad at us for trying to share the light.
Have you listened to Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? Them ridiculing the facts you presented them with strongly supports his theory.
In short, they have been captured in a mass hypnosis and so they are unable to process facts that you present them, so they feel the only option is to ridicule the information you show them.
They are victims, not enemies. The problem, and it seems to be a large one, is how to break through the trance and get them awake. Hopefully "the plan" includes a way to wake people up because many people are deeply entranced right now.
Up to now no one has been able to offer an explanation for why some people get captured by the hypnosis and some people don't.
Can you explain why you were not captured while others you know who seem to have very similar profiles to your own ended up getting deeply ensnared by the trance?
The fact that you were given eyes to see what others cannot is a GIFT! It is not something to be arrogant about or to use to belittle others less fortunate than yourself.
Those who got suckered in to taking the vaxx are not your enemy, they are VICTIMS of your enemy. Don't get confused and lose focus of who the enemy actually is.
arrogant about or to use to belittle others less fortunate than yourself.
Not my intention at all...
Those who got suckered in to taking the vaxx are not your enemy, they are VICTIMS of your enemy. Don't get confused and lose focus of who the enemy actually is.
No, I absolutely agree, but there is a difference between "suckered" into taking it and those that Actively engage in pushing the vax to EVERYONE else like we are the problem...
Can you explain why you were not captured while others you know who seem to have very similar profiles to your own ended up getting deeply ensnared by the trance?
The only way I can answer that is by saying its common sense to me...I've always been told to use 3 tools and they have never let me down...Common sense, logic and critical thinking...Can't go wrong
This is a very divisive post and is a great example of the type of attitude that we DON'T need.
I would go so far as to say that if you hold this position you are just as hypnotized as those who take the government's word at face value without asking questions.
People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?
What about the titans who are now strongly speaking out about the inoculation: Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch? All of them got inoculated also but are now risking their lives, livelihoods and fortunes speaking out against the inoculation. Are they also to be cast out into the darkness?
If these very informed people could be fooled into getting the inoculation, are you going to hold it against the common folk who were also duped?
Hopefully OP will just delete this post. It is just the wrong stance to promote.
I agree. Everyone in my circle has taken the jabs because they thought it was in their best interests (and for no other reason), just as I did NOT because I thought it was in MY best interests to not do so. It’s called freedom of choice.
Right or wrong, we all must live with our decisions. Categorizing people as human versus cattle is very shortsighted, at the least.
Yeah but where they scared of Corona or scared of their own government and/or social shaming.
Its important to shame people for very bad decisions, because most people just follow along with the herd and rely on others to set the standards. We have ceded that moral obligation to the political elite and corporate press, do you not see the awful consequences of that?
If someone is eventually able to wake up from this trance, my feeling is at that point the shame will be self-generating.
True, but their shaming of us causes harm and should be deflected with harsh criticism.
.......but the knife wont twist itself!
I honestly do not have a lot of faith / see much probability at all, that someone who is STILL asleep at this point in the game, will EVER be fully awake.
I'm not saying it's not possible....just not probable....
Well Said...Spot on.
Anyone or anything that just follows in my experience is "Cattle"...Its Not meant literally of course, but to make a distinction between Free thinking and blindly following make a point...
Right, but calling them cattle is a way of shaming them into waking up. I think it is warranted.
Whatever it takes...Especially as they think its safe to vax small children because they had their "other" shots before and there's nothing wrong with them now....
I have an aquaintence , a VietNam vet, a Ranger captain who led men in battle tell me his rationale: "it is free and the VA offers it to me" I pointed out NOTHING is free and who am I to improve on my God given immunity??? I have noticed a decline in memory-it is sad, I've learned so much only to very likely lose him this winter...
govern me harder daddy
Agree we should caution against saying “these are the people I want nothing to do with” as our mission is unity.
But in context of the post, it’s fair to examine the great divide between those who fell and those who still stand, and those — like McCullough, who rose up.
It matters if you’re hiring someone to lead or manage. It matters when you’re choosing a spouse. It matters if you want to send your kids to school vs indoctrination. And regarding elected/appointed officials, it’s a matter of life and death.
McCullough never took the jab. He was referring to all the vaccines prior to these gene therapies.
Why should I forgive people who want me to lose my livelihood, freedom and even my life? Fuck 'em!
"People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?"
Zero. Not even a little. They should have known they were being lied to long before this point. It's their fault for being blind.
Right, and when we tried to share vital information regarding the clot shot they laughed and or got angry with us. That right there is why I’m having trouble just letting it go. They get mad at us for trying to share the light.
Have you listened to Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? Them ridiculing the facts you presented them with strongly supports his theory.
In short, they have been captured in a mass hypnosis and so they are unable to process facts that you present them, so they feel the only option is to ridicule the information you show them.
They are victims, not enemies. The problem, and it seems to be a large one, is how to break through the trance and get them awake. Hopefully "the plan" includes a way to wake people up because many people are deeply entranced right now.
You are so right about breaking that spell. Gotta do some digging regarding the principles of hypnosis.
Absolutely 100% spot on...WE DID...
Up to now no one has been able to offer an explanation for why some people get captured by the hypnosis and some people don't.
Can you explain why you were not captured while others you know who seem to have very similar profiles to your own ended up getting deeply ensnared by the trance?
The fact that you were given eyes to see what others cannot is a GIFT! It is not something to be arrogant about or to use to belittle others less fortunate than yourself.
Those who got suckered in to taking the vaxx are not your enemy, they are VICTIMS of your enemy. Don't get confused and lose focus of who the enemy actually is.
Not my intention at all...
No, I absolutely agree, but there is a difference between "suckered" into taking it and those that Actively engage in pushing the vax to EVERYONE else like we are the problem...
The only way I can answer that is by saying its common sense to me...I've always been told to use 3 tools and they have never let me down...Common sense, logic and critical thinking...Can't go wrong
Your use of the word inoculation implies that these experimental injections actually confer some immunity to disease. In fact the opposite is true.