Finally, she has probably been forced into the role of a High Priestess -- which would be a messenger of secrets.
Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed; the woman who interests the Querent, if male; the Querent herself, if female; silence, tenacity; mystery, wisdom, science. Reversed: Passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge.
I'm using Wikipedia for these, because they use Wikipedia as their own reference in case they forget, so it is potentially the best resource for those with a modest interest in the matter.
Imma stop you right there with the esoterism. I know it's alluring, but it allows Clowns to get away with Comms because 3/4ths of the Truth Community puts them on a mystical pedestal.
She is a Clown Slave who tried to defy the system that made her famous in the first place. Many such cases.
Sure, but they use the esoterism for comms and whether you like that fact or not, they are still sending weird-ass messages with this junk.
You don't have to believe in any of it, but they do which makes them dangerous concerning it.
I agree, we shouldn't put them on a mystical pedestal, which is why we should take the time to learn their secret language.
The less secret something is, the less power it has.
That's the premise of an Evil Eye Spell. They think that magic is real, and the only way a spell works is if the intended target doesn't know for certain if they have a spell cast on them.
They conflate simple psychology (the nature of self-fulfilling prophecies) with magic.
Logically put, magic is simply getting more out than you put in. When it comes to abusing people's minds, this is very much possible.
The typical example is the gypsy curse. A gypsy puts a "curse" on your family. From then on you have that nagging doubt in the back of your mind that the bad luck you've been experiencing is due to the gypsy curse.
Eventually, you become so consumed by it that you create your own bad luck because you've developed a bias FOR the curse being real.
Then you tell your family that the whole family has been cursed, and the cognitive bias spreads.
The only way to "dispel" the curse is to confront the "spell" and learn whatever gesture, ritual, or concoction the gypsy made was, in HER MIND, supposed to do.
Once you realize what it was supposed to do, and compare it with your "bad luck" you can finally determine that the stuff happening to you had nothing to do with the specific "curse" she put on you. If what she intended didn't happen, then it proves it was all in your mind, through the power of suggestion.
In other words, this is a long-winded way of saying:
Knowledge of a thing removes the stigma around it.
So, this imagery is an evil eye spell.
Everyone who sees it knows it means something, but they don't know what. That lack of knowing measurably gives the creator of the image power over people.
Exposing what it means prevents people's imagination from running wild and assuming the creator does have mystical powers.
They don't. Magic, THIS type of magic, is an illusion. It has no power, it has no influence, and it most certainly shouldn't be put on a pedestal.
It should be taken off the pedestal, which is why calling things what they are, defining them, and showing how they are just make-believe is the first step to show just how big of a farce these people really are.
Britney is the same way. She is nothing special; just another poor kid who was abused and brain-washed.
So I agree, she isn't all the things they want to make her out to be, and the first step of making her human again is to expose exactly what "spells" they put on her and realizing it is all fake nonsense. If not for us, then for her.
She's a bagman. A messenger. Brainwashed way too much to be a sane human being anymore.
She's neither truly good nor bad.
She probably skews good these days, because she doesn't want the tree to come down, otherwise she'd be out of a job.
She is a Ratatoskr archetype.
Finally, she has probably been forced into the role of a High Priestess -- which would be a messenger of secrets.
I'm using Wikipedia for these, because they use Wikipedia as their own reference in case they forget, so it is potentially the best resource for those with a modest interest in the matter.
Its just such a shame that these Disney Kids were caught up in this. I mean its a shame any child got caught up in this evil.
Intentional enemy action to demoralize us all.
Imma stop you right there with the esoterism. I know it's alluring, but it allows Clowns to get away with Comms because 3/4ths of the Truth Community puts them on a mystical pedestal.
She is a Clown Slave who tried to defy the system that made her famous in the first place. Many such cases.
Britney Spears: Decoded
Sure, but they use the esoterism for comms and whether you like that fact or not, they are still sending weird-ass messages with this junk.
You don't have to believe in any of it, but they do which makes them dangerous concerning it.
I agree, we shouldn't put them on a mystical pedestal, which is why we should take the time to learn their secret language.
The less secret something is, the less power it has.
That's the premise of an Evil Eye Spell. They think that magic is real, and the only way a spell works is if the intended target doesn't know for certain if they have a spell cast on them.
They conflate simple psychology (the nature of self-fulfilling prophecies) with magic.
Logically put, magic is simply getting more out than you put in. When it comes to abusing people's minds, this is very much possible.
The typical example is the gypsy curse. A gypsy puts a "curse" on your family. From then on you have that nagging doubt in the back of your mind that the bad luck you've been experiencing is due to the gypsy curse.
Eventually, you become so consumed by it that you create your own bad luck because you've developed a bias FOR the curse being real.
Then you tell your family that the whole family has been cursed, and the cognitive bias spreads.
The only way to "dispel" the curse is to confront the "spell" and learn whatever gesture, ritual, or concoction the gypsy made was, in HER MIND, supposed to do.
Once you realize what it was supposed to do, and compare it with your "bad luck" you can finally determine that the stuff happening to you had nothing to do with the specific "curse" she put on you. If what she intended didn't happen, then it proves it was all in your mind, through the power of suggestion.
In other words, this is a long-winded way of saying:
So, this imagery is an evil eye spell.
Everyone who sees it knows it means something, but they don't know what. That lack of knowing measurably gives the creator of the image power over people.
Exposing what it means prevents people's imagination from running wild and assuming the creator does have mystical powers.
They don't. Magic, THIS type of magic, is an illusion. It has no power, it has no influence, and it most certainly shouldn't be put on a pedestal.
It should be taken off the pedestal, which is why calling things what they are, defining them, and showing how they are just make-believe is the first step to show just how big of a farce these people really are.
Britney is the same way. She is nothing special; just another poor kid who was abused and brain-washed.
So I agree, she isn't all the things they want to make her out to be, and the first step of making her human again is to expose exactly what "spells" they put on her and realizing it is all fake nonsense. If not for us, then for her.
Know Your Enemy.
Love your posts and thought processes. Keep it up!